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Yes, I’ve heard the same. I don’t know if we’ll ever know what their purpose was, what they hoped to achieve by attacking Centennial High. I’m grateful there was no loss of life. And that’s apparently thanks to Pyro Storm.


Seth Gray.


Yes, Mr. Gray.


Who was friends with your son.


Curious, isn’t it? It makes you wonder if there is anyone else hiding something in that school.


I’m sure we’ll find out sooner rather than later.


You were there, weren’t you?


Yes. Unfortunately, I’m under a gag order, as I might be called as a witness. What do you make of Seth Gray revealing his identity? Especially knowing that he fought against Owen numerous times.


I’m sure Mr. Gray had his reasons—I won’t say a calculated move, per se. He’s a child, after all. I wouldn’t ascribe him any sort of dark machinations. But I do wonder about the timing of it. He could have just as easily fled, keeping his identity a secret, the same as his counterparts—the Extraordinary who could conduct electricity and the other one, the one with telekinesis.


Speaking of that night, there have been allegations levied at the NCPD for their late response to the attack on the school. Some are suggesting that cellular service was cut to disallow anyone to call for help, that the attack was planned using police resources. And further, Rodney Caplan, the former chief of Nova City Police, claimed during the press conference announcing his resignation that he believed officers conspired to prevent an emergency response. He said, and I quote, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” while also making not-so subtle allusions that you were somehow involved in what transpired at Centennial High. Would you like to respond to this?


I thank Rodney Caplan for his service with the NCPD. His is a storied career, the first Black chief of police Nova City had, and while we’ve disagreed on many issues, I know his heart has alwaysbeen in the right place. To be honest, I’m a little flattered he thinks I have any level of control over the NCPD. That being said, his unfounded accusations cast a pall over his legacy and the NCPD as a whole. These are hardworking men and women, and to have their former boss fling such aspersions on their characters is at best unfortunate, and at worst dangerous. I have met with many of the officers who protect this city, and I can assure you that none of them would ignore a call to help the people who need them most. They are all just as devastated by what transpired, and I know any investigation will prove that. They cannot and should not be blamed for their response, given how fluid the situation was, and how chaotic. I told them the same thing I’ll tell you: I trust them and will do everything I can to help them. And not only them. I want to help everyone, Extraordinaries included.


With what? What would you do for them?


I—I hadn’t expected to say this, but I suppose the time is right. As I said previously, transparency is important. And as a parent of an Extraordinary, I know what it’s like to be scared for your child. With this attack of a high school prom, it’s becoming evident that Extraordinaries are among us and that they’re capable of doing tremendous harm, especially if they’re unable to control their powers. What if a child could control the weather, and they became angry? Or what if a child could move things with their mind and were neurodiverse, say, for example, having attention deficit hyperactive disorder? That could lead to chaos and destruction—people getting hurt or worse. Pure speculation, of course, but the things we’ve witnessed suggest that it’s within the realm of possibility. After the events of McManus Bridge, I instructed my scientists to work around the clock in order to understand our Extraordinary brethren. I followed this with the Save Our Children initiative, hoping that different types of Extraordinaries would come into the light. The more we know, the better off we’ll be. I’m pleased to announce that as of last week, we have successfully cured our first Extraordinary.


Wait, what? What do you mean, “cured”?


A child was brought to us by their parents. This child, who we call Eve to protect their anonymity, exhibited signs of telekinesis. From a young age, Eve could move things around their house. The parents were frightened. At first, they thought their home was haunted. It wasn’t until the child grew older that they realized Eve was the cause. Rightfully concerned, they came to me after we announced the Save Our Children initiative. Following weeks of testing, we all agreed to proceed, especially seeing how Extraordinary powers aren’t considered medical and therefore do not need to be overseen by organizations like the FDA. There was no risk to the child. The treatment is non-invasive, and Eve is doing fine. I spoke with their mother this morning. There have been no signs of telekinesis since they completed treatment.

