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That’s incredible. How on earth did you achieve that?


Ah, trade secrets. We’re not quite ready to disclose the type of treatment Eve underwent, though we hope to soon. But the bigger thing to focus on is that we could potentially heal anyone with powers. Eve was just the first. We’re in the process of attempting to replicate the results with a different test subject, a man in his late fifties who came to us after years of hiding what he was capable of. He was in tears when he told us his story. All he wants is to be normal. And if we can help him achieve that dream, then who am I to say no?


What would you say to people who will accuse you of playing God?


I would listen to them, of course, and understand where they’re coming from. However, my rebuttal would be that this is a voluntary treatment. We aren’t holding people against their will. Anyone who participates in these early trials knows there’s noguarantee, and that they can stop at any time. We aren’t trying to play God. We’re trying to keep people safe. We want to help those who cannot help themselves.


I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that after the attack on Centennial High, public polling is showing a shift against Extraordinaries.CNNreleased a national poll that showed fifty-two percent of people were against Extraordinaries. That’s up ten points since the Battle at McManus Bridge.


Yes, I saw that. People are scared, as they should be. We don’t know what these people with powers will do or what they’re capable of. You have Extraordinaries like Seth Gray, who can create fire out of nothing. What if there’s an Extraordinary out there who has the capability to split atoms? To raise the levels of the oceans? I choose to believe in the good in people, but is that naïve? I thought my son was good until I saw evidence to the contrary. What’ll we do if there’s an Extraordinary who can cause nuclear explosions and will do so if we don’t bend to their demands?


And so you want to try to develop a way to stop them.


No. Not stop. Help. I only want to help. I want to make sure that no one suffers like my family has. I … years ago, a dear, dear friend of mine revealed herself to be an Extraordinary, and I was so consumed by what she could do, I never stopped to think of the ramifications for the rest of us. She was kind and just and good, but what if she hadn’t been? What if she’d been evil? I should’ve helped her. I wish I had. She’s gone now, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her, which is why, because of her and all those like her, I want to help.


And for those who don’t want your help? Seth Gray, for example. Do you really think he’ll meet with you after you put a bounty on his head?


The bounty was a regrettable mistake. I apologize for that. I should have known better. Some problems cannot be solved by throwing money at them. I won’t force him into anything. He knows where I am. All he needs to do is reach out, and I’ll gladly listen to whatever he wants to say. That goes for anyone around him too. Anyone at all.


Say, perhaps, another teenager capable of moving things with his mind?


Exactly. And I would urge them to heed my words. The tide is changing. People will not stand idly by while their lives are disrupted by Extraordinaries. Soon, it may become a requirement for Extraordinaries to register. I know legislation has failed in the past, but the more we know, the safer we’ll be. See something, say something. And that will be the forefront issue in my campaign.


Because you have another announcement, don’t you?


That I do, Rebecca. I’m formally announcing my intention to run for mayor of Nova City. For too long, our leadership has failed us. It is time for fresh blood and new insight to bring our glorious city into the future we all deserve, one where we can live in harmony without fear of fire raining down from the sky or buildings falling on top of us. The current mayor has done nothing to stop the repeated attacks against Nova City. If elected, I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to keep citizens safe from harm.


And you’ve already received a powerful endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police. Not only are they endorsing you, they released an internal poll showing that eighty-one percent of the NCPD support your candidacy.

