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Yes, and I’m grateful to our men and women in blue, and not only for their support. They understand that while people likePyro Storm may seem like they want to help, they cause more harm than good. People have died because of their actions. Who knows? If Pyro Storm hadn’t done what he did, perhaps my son wouldn’t have felt the need to become Shadow Star.


It sounds like you blame Seth Gray.


No, not entirely. I’m merely speaking in hypotheticals. Mr. Gray is a seventeen-year-old boy with abilities that defy imagination. But there’s a reason he hasn’t been allowed to return to school. Parents are scared for their children. It’s no longer just about gun violence. It’s about people manifesting powers that could mean the end of life as we know it. Seth Gray is only one piece of the puzzle. But the picture is becoming clearer.


Thank you, Mr. Burke. This has been most illuminating.


Of course. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak. And I hear you have an announcement of your own?


I do. This will be my last interview withAction News. For the past ten years, I have reported from the streets of Nova City. I love my job and I love my coworkers, but it’s time for me to move on, to do something new. I’m excited about the future.


Congratulations. I can’t wait to see where you end up.

Two weeks later:




We are pleased to announce that Rebecca Firestone has joined the Simon Burke for Nova City Mayoral Campaign as press secretary. Ms. Firestone, a Nova City native, brings years of experience fromher work as a journalist withAction News. Recognizable, trusted, and hardworking, Ms. Firestone has a level of expertise few have achieved.

“I look forward to working with Rebecca,” Mr. Burke said in a statement. “She will only add to the growing movement of our campaign. She, like my wife and I, believes it’s time to take our city back. We’re better off because she has joined us. I’m delighted to have her.”

“I’m honored,” Ms. Firestone said. “While I’ll miss holding a microphone and reporting from the streets, this new endeavor will allow me to use my knowledge of Nova City to ensure that Mr. Burke will be our next mayor. In Burke we trust!”
