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“Accident,” Seth said in a hardened voice. “On the Westfield River. A party barge crashed into a strut on a bridge. I need to get the people off the boat before it sinks.”

Nick nodded as Seth started to get undressed. “Need help? Want me to go with?”

“No. It’s fine, Nicky. I’ve got this. You’d just get in the way.”

That stung more than Nick cared to admit. It wasn’t like Seth was wrong, but it still hurt to hear. “Yeah. Okay.”

Seth sighed, walking over to Nick and lifting his chin with a finger. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He looked so earnest. “I need you here to be my eyes and ears. There’s no one I trust more to do that.”

Nick smiled, and he barely had to force it. “I know. That I cando.” He leaned forward, kissing Seth quickly. “Go. Do good, save lives, that whole thing.”

Seth looked like he was going to argue, but before he could, footsteps pounded up the stairs. Dad appeared in full-on cop mode. This normally made Nick feel better, but didn’t this time. He wondered if Gibby had ever felt … scared because of him. “Seth? We gotta go.”

Seth nodded, stepping around Nick, charging down the stairs to suit up. Nick heard the surprise from the others below them, questions being asked and answered.

Dad was already on his phone, fingers flying across the screen. “You good to get yourself home? I’m going to see if I can help, though Harbor Patrol should already be on it.”

He had to try. “I can go, too, if you want. I can help.”

But Dad was already shaking his head. “We’ve got this. You’d just get in the way. And I … need some space to think. About a lot of things.”

He forced a smile on his face. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Never, kid. I’ll call you as soon as I can, okay?” He turned his head back toward the door and raised his voice. “Seth! We gotta go!”

Seth reappeared at the top of the stairs, cursing as he struggled into his costume. He tripped on the top stair, dropping his helmet as his cape fluttered around him. He bent over and picked it up before looking at Nick with wide eyes. “Gibby’s and Jazz’s parents just saw me get naked.”

“Lucky,” Nick muttered. “I mean, oh no. That’s so bad. How dare they.”

Seth gave him a quick kiss before joining Dad at the door. Dad leaned outside first, scanning the street. “Wait. Neighbor. Hold on—okay, they’re inside. Streets are clear. Go.”

In a bright flash of fire, Pyro Storm rocketed off into the sky, leaving a column of smoke behind him. Dad glanced back at Nick. “See ya.” And then he slammed the door behind him as he left.

Nick turned and headed for the stairs. He descended quickly, scowling at the boxes in his way. Thankfully, they hadn’t yet takendown the Systemax yet. Martha saw him coming and handed him the headset. He knew the others were watching him, but they faded into the background. “Pyro Storm, this is Lighthouse. Do you copy?”

“Receiving you loud and clear, Lighthouse,” Pyro Storm said in his ear, his voice a deep rumble, modulated to disguise his identity.

He leaned toward the screen and took a deep breath. A moment later, Jazz and Gibby stood on either side of him. “Good, Pyro Storm. Let’s go save some lives.”
