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Fic:A Pleasure to Burn


Chapter 37 of?

138,225 words

Pairing:Pyro Storm/Original Male Character

Rated:R(Rating is finally going up!)

Tags:True Love,Pining,Gentle Pyro Storm,Happy Ending,First Kiss,More Than First Kiss,Fluffy like a Cloud,So Much Violence,Evil Shadow Star,Bakery AU,Private Investigator,Anti-Rebecca Firestone,Hands Going under Clothes,!!!,Naked Party and You’re All Invited


Chapter 37: An Opportunity

Author Note:Another update so soon? Why yes, yes it is. You’re so welcome! And while I know many of you were probably hoping for a continuation of the sexy times, I’m asking you to bear with me. It’s important that these characters work toward the big event by talking about things that will bring them even closer together. Talking matters, and it’s important to me that both Nash and Pyro Storm are on the same page. You, as well as our heroes, are about to be presented with an opportunity that will blow your mind! Also, this wasn’t beta read because I wanted this to be a surprise for a certain … someone who does certain … things. Sorry if there are any mistakes! Thanks!!!

Nash gasped as Pyro Storm manhandled him up against the wall near the door to the roof, wearing only his mask and a tiny pair of underwear that was illegal in at least twenty-six states. The hero acted like Nash weighed nothing, even though his body was strong and heavy with muscle. He wanted to continue, to have Pyro Storm ravish him and fill him up with his fire of love, but something crossed his mind.

“Wait,” he managed to say as Pyro Storm attacked his neck, biting down.

“What?” Pyro Storm murmured against his throat, hands roaming.

“We need to talk. But in agoodway.”

Pyro Storm took a step back, leaving Nash slumped against the wall. “Of course. We should definitely talk about what we’re going to do before we do it. Safe, sane, and consensual, that’s the best way to be.”

“Exactly,” Nash said. “Everyone on Reddit knows that, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Oh?” Pyro Storm asked, muscles on full display. He had an eight-pack, and his thighs were like slabs of concrete. Nash had to look away to keep his thoughts in order. “Then what do you mean?”

Nash pulled out his phone, pulling up the presentation he’d worked so hard on. “I want to offer you an opportunity—one I think would help you to become a better hero. I’m talking, of course, about branding.”

Pyro Storm nodded sagely. “Ah, I see. Yes, thatisvery important. Tell me more. I’m very excited to hear about this.”

“Good,” Nash said, “because every superhero worth his salt needs brand recognition. We need to be at the forefront of it so that no one steps in and tries to fill the void in the current market. I have a sixteen-slide PowerPoint presentation I’d like to show you, and I think by the end, you’ll agree that Pyro Storm needs to have his own online presence: Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, the works. No Facebook because we’re not elderly and don’t post racist Minion memes. That will be part one. Part two entails the launching of the official Pyro Storm merchandise line. We will commission creators in the fandom to make art in their medium and sell them, with a portion going to nonprofit so people will feel good about paying for it. And it will be so much better than the cheap knockoff crap that’s out there today.”

“Wow,” Pyro Storm said. “You’ve thought of everything. I can’t believehow lucky I am to have you. But I’ve got a question, as everyone knows a good plan has three parts. What’s part three?”

“You’re so smart,” Nash said. “Part three will be speaking engagements and/or photo ops. We can go to conventions together and charge people to take a photo with you while you say your catchphrase.”

“My catchphrase?” Pyro Storm asked, adorably confused. “But I don’t have a catchphrase.”

“I know,” Nash said. “Which is why I’ve made one for you. You ready?”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” Pyro Storm said, sweat trickling down his bare chest. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and all your ideas are top-notch. And, I should say, you look hella good when you say them out loud.”

“Thank you,” Nash said. “You are hotter than” ***think of something to put here that’s really sexy and don’t forget before you post this.***

“Whoa,” Pyro Storm said. “I can’t believe you said that. What’s my catchphrase, which I’ll use without question because I know how hard you worked on it?”

Nash felt his heart trip in his chest. He’d never expected to have a boyfriend who was an Extraordinary and who also thought all his ideas were perfect. “Okay. Here goes. Ready? Your catchphrase is …It’s time to burn.”

“Mygod. Nash, did you really think of that all on your own?” Pyro Storm took an aggressive step toward him. “I’m going to put my hands on your butt and squeeze. It’s time to burn.”
