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Rebecca Firestone snarled as she shoved the tablet back at him so hard, he almost dropped it. “Goddammit,fine.” She whirled onthem, poking Seth in the chest with a perfectly manicured fingernail while glancing over his shoulder at Nick. “This isn’t over. I know you’re involved with the Extraordinaries, Bell, and no matter how connected you are to the NCPD, no matter how many people try to cover for you, you know it and I know it. And Iwillfind the truth. We all deserve to know who hides behind masks.” She turned around, glaring up at the students gathered on the stairs. “Stay in school!” she barked up at them before storming down the sidewalk, her cameraman trailing after her.

Seth stared after her until she disappeared into the crowd before he sighed, shoulders slumping. When he turned, gone was the steel. All that remained was Seth: tired, wonderful,lyingSeth. “What did she want?” he asked as the students began to head inside the school.

“To cause trouble,” Gibby muttered. “She’s got a picture of you as Pyro Storm eating Nick’s face. Good job, both of you. That’s not going to help with rumors around here.” She jerked her head toward the school, where everyone still stood whispering as they glanced at Team Pyro Storm.

“So they’ll think we’re in an open relationship,” Nick said. “We’re progressive that way.”

Seth rolled his eyes. “Noted.” He looked off to where Rebecca Firestone had disappeared. “What’s her angle, though? She’s not my favorite person by a long shot, but is she really just asking about who you’re kissing? That seems beneath her.”

“The only thing beneath her is the ground,” Nick snapped. “She’s a pain in the ass, and we have to figure out what to do if she tries to make trouble.”

“Is that—is that his angry face?” Jazz whispered to Gibby as she put her heels back on.

“I … don’t know?” Gibby said, squinting at Nick. “It looks like he has a nervous tic or he’s holding in a fart. You never can tell with boys. It’s what makes them so ridiculous.”

Seth shook his head. “We don’t need to worry about it now. There are bigger things to focus on.” He looked at Nick. “Suchas the latest chapter of your fic. Nick, I say this with nothing but admiration for you as a person, okay?”

Good start. Nick loved being admired. “I approve. You may proceed.”

Seth said, “What thehellare you talking about with this branding thing? And a website? When did you have time to make a website? And why was there a tab to sign up for a meet and greet?”

Ah, time for the sales pitch! “I’m so glad you asked. Prepare to have your mind blown. It—”

The bell rang.

“—will have to wait,” Nick said quickly. “Because we can’t be late for class, as our education is important, and Dad will send me off to boarding school if the school calls him again. An empty threat, but I don’t want to risk it because the boarding school is in New Hampshire and I don’t even know where that is, which is a damning indictment of the state of our school system. But Seth, you’re going to love it, I promise. And I’ll let your mind run with the possibilities until lunch. Also, you look amazing and your cravat gives me life.” He smacked a kiss against Seth’s lips before stomping off toward school. “Good talk, team!” he bellowed over his shoulder.

Always leave them wanting.Cosmo.
