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Seth grinned. “Show it to me again.”

Nick blinked. “What?”

“The Twitter account, you dork. Might as well get familiar with it, especially if you’re going to be posting as me and—” He stopped when his own phone beeped, a familiar chime that sent a chill down Nick’s spine.

Seth pulled out his phone and glanced down, eyes narrowed. He grunted and swiped the notification away before Nick could see it. “Don’t worry about it,” he said to Nick’s unasked question. He smiled again, though it wasn’t as bright. “It’s nothing important.”

Nick hesitated. He’d never known Seth to ignore the notifications. “You sure?”

“Yeah, Nicky. I’m sure. Let’s see what you did.”

He moved over until Nick had space to lean against the door with him, both huddling around his phone. They stayed there for a little while, the two of them, and by the time they left, Nick felt a bit better. Maybe he’d gone too far, but Seth was ready and waiting to help reel him back. He needed to figure out how to respond in kind. Seth needed someone to be his rock, and who better than Nick?

By the time they’d stepped back out onto the street, a new tweet had been sent—and by Pyro Storm himself, for the first time.

It read:Pyro Storm here with a message: the people of Nova City are under my watch, and I will do everything to protect them. It’s time to burn! #NoVillainsWelcome

And as they walked hand-in-hand toward Nick’s house, something unexpected occurred. Seth’s first tweet was quoted by a verified account. The profile picture of this account showed a woman standing with a microphone on the windswept streets of Nova City, her hair billowing around her head.

Rebecca Firestone’s own tweet read:Looking into if this is actually Pyro Storm. If it is, what does he mean by “everything”?? I promise my followers I’ll get to the bottom of this, one way or another! #OnlyTheTruthIsExtraordinary

By the end of the day, the Official Pyro Storm account had six thousand new followers.

And counting.
