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He soundedfine.

Nick pressed himself flat against the building as he inched closer.

“—and we’ll have to be careful,” Pyro Storm was saying. “They’ll figure out something is up before too long. I don’t like keeping things from them, my boyfriend especially. People don’t give him the credit he deserves. He’s smart. He’ll figure it out eventually. We need to get ahead of that.”

Before Nick could puff out his chest (because compliments he wasn’t supposed to hear were his favorite kind of compliments), another voice spoke, breathy and deep. “I get that, honeybunch, but I’d remind you this isn’t about him. It’s about you and me.”

Pyro Storm sighed. “I know. And I’m not going to force you to do something you’re not ready for, but I don’t like lying to people I care about. I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime.”

“Don’t I know it,” the voice replied. “There may come a time when I’ll change my mind, but it’s not today. I gotta watch out for me, because I’m the only one who will.”

“We’re in this together,” Pyro Storm said. “I promise.”

Nick stopped moving, his back against a wall that ended a couple of feet away, turning inward at a ninety-degree angle. An alcove. Pyro Storm and whoever he was talking to were in an alcove.

“I wish I could believe you,” the voice said. “But I’ve seen what happens to people like us. We’re different. It’s like coming out. I went through that once already. I don’t know if I’m capable of doing it again. I don’t even know who you are behind the mask.”

“Just like I don’t know whoyouare outside of your costume,” Pyro Storm said. “It’s safer this way, at least for now. We’re Extraordinaries. You need to get used to keeping your identity a secret.”

Nick’s heart thudded painfully in his chest. Extraordinaries? As inplural? There was no way there were others he didn’t know about, right? Seth wouldn’t … he would never keep something like that secret.

“You’re breaking my heart,” the voice said. “Look at you. You can mope with the best of them. Come here. Let me make it better.”

Nick heard movement, and then the voice said, “There. That’s it. Tighter, fire boy. I’m not gonna break. Put your back into it.”

Nick trusted Seth with his life. He trusted Seth with his heart. Seth would never do anything to hurt him, at least not intentionally. But today hadn’t been a normal day, even in the life of one Nicholas Bell, which was filled with many abnormal days. Nick was tired, hurt, and more than a little angry.

So Nick didn’t think he could be blamed for jumping out of the shadows into the alcove, a thunderous expression on his face. He blinked against the bare bulb hanging over a rusty door at the back of the alcove.

And there, standing in a pool of light, was Pyro Storm, hugging a spectacularly tall woman with brown skin who had to hunch over to wrap her arms around Nick’s boyfriend. Her hair, which hung in shockingly blue curls, bounced as she swayed Pyro Storm back and forth. She wore a leotard of sorts, covered in black sparkly sequins,and killer white boots that rose up to her knees. Her arms were covered in thin metal bangles, and if Nick wasn’t extremely confused, he’d think this stranger had the best costume he’d ever seen.

Perhaps, then, he could be forgiven for blurting out, “Oh my god, you look amazing. Bangles? I couldneverpull that off.”

The effect was instantaneous. Pyro Storm yelped and stumbled back, the lenses covering his eyes flashing brightly. The other figure whirled around, and Nick could see she (he? they? Nick needed to get their pronouns before he made a fool of himself) wore a white mask that covered their eyes, the tips of which curled up into spiky points like old-fashioned glasses. The mask had tiny, electric-blue rhinestones on it that sparkled when they caught the light from the bulb.

“Nick?” Pyro Storm said in a strangled voice.

Nick ignored him in favor of this new Extraordinary. He rushed forward, and as he approached, he thought he heard the snarl of electricity, the air around him thickening with the stench of ozone. He stopped in his tracks when what appeared to be blue lightning crawled along the Extraordinary’s arms, down to their fingers. They raised one hand, the lightning collecting in a ball above their palm.

“No,wait,” Pyro Storm cried, jumping forward and knocking their hand down. The ball of lightning fell from their hand, hitting the ground and bursting, sending arcs of electricity along the dirty pavement. Nick managed to hop over it, but not before what felt like every single hair on his body stood on end. He came to a stop a foot away from the two people gaping at him.

“Whoa,” Nick breathed, staring up in awe at the Extraordinary towering over him. “You havelightningpowers? Holy shit, that’s freaking rad. Please don’t electrocute me, but if you still feel the need to, at least I’ll go out knowing my murderer wears the hell out of those boots. I bet they’re good for kicking people in the junk.” He blanched and took a step back. “Uh, not that I’d like to find that out for myself or anything.”

“Pyro Storm,” the Extraordinary said, squinting down at Nick. “Who is this little twink who won’t stop talking?”

“Hi!” Nick said, thrusting out his hand, hoping he wasn’t about to get fried. The Extraordinary hesitated before taking it. Nick pumped their hands up and down three times before letting go. “I’m Nick. I’m Pyro Storm’s biggest fan. Also, his boyfriend. Also, I’m the leader of Team Pyro Storm. Also, I run Lighthouse.” He paused, considering. “Well, not by myself. Gibby and Jazz help, too, butstill.” He struck what he hoped looked like a heroic pose, hands on his hips, gazing off into the distance as if contemplating the road that still lay ahead.

“What,” the Extraordinary said flatly, and Nick had to admire someone who could put so much into a single word.

The moment was broken when Pyro Storm rushed forward, cape billowing behind him. He grabbed Nick by the arm, pulling him back out of the alcove. “What are you doing here?” he whisper-shouted. “I told you I’d see you tomorrow!”

“Right,” Nick said. “And I respect that, but I needed to see you as soon as possible.” He craned his neck back toward the Extraordinary, who stood staring at them with narrowed eyes. “Who is that and why do I want to be like them when I grow up?”

Pyro Storm groaned. “Nick, you can’t be here.”

Nick blinked. “What do you mean I can’t be here? That certainly doesn’t seem true, because Iamhere. Weird how that works.”

Pyro Storm jostled him. “Nicky, focus. Look at me.”
