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Fic:A Pleasure to Burn


Chapter 36 of?

138,225 words

Pairing:Pyro Storm/Original Male Character

Rated:R(Rating is finally going up!)

Tags:True Love,Pining,Gentle Pyro Storm,Happy Ending,First Kiss,More Than First Kiss,Fluffy Like a Cloud,So Much Violence,Evil Shadow Star,Bakery AU,Private Investigator,Anti-Rebecca Firestone,Hands Going Under Clothes,!!!,Naked Party and You’re All Invited


Chapter 36: NOT A CHAPTER

Author Note:Sorry for the delay! Things have been … weird lately. I wish I had a new chapter for you, but I don’t. I tried to sit down and write, but I can’t focus on this right now, not when it seems so … trivial? I know that probably doesn’t make sense, but things are happening that are bigger than me. This was a place where I could not worry about what others thought about me (though I love all your comments!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!). It doesn’t feel the same now. I’m going to take a bit of a break. It’s not going to last forever because I refuse to let another fic go unfinished, but I need to step away for a bit.

Extraordinaries can do incredible things, but I think we forget that no matter what powers they have, they’re still human.

Anyways, the Extraordinaries fandom is the best fandom thereis, especially since the K-pop fandom likes to spam the fancams EVERY SINGLE PLACE I LOOK. SERIOUSLY. STOP IT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU. That being said, thank you for going after idiot politicians and making their lives miserable, as they so rightly deserve. I love you. But stop spamming.

I’ll be back! I promise. After all, Nash and Pyro Storm are still about to get down and dirty, and I’d hate to leave them (and you!) with blue balls.

See you soon,


March came to Nova City with an icy grip, temperatures plummeting, though the worst storms stayed up north. Nick was of the mind that if it was going to be this cold, then the city should be blanketed with snow so he could stay in bed until spring with his own personal space heater in the form of Seth.

But it was probably for the best, especially since he found himself standing on the roof of a building on the first Saturday of the month, peering over the edge, trying to convince himself that if he fell, it wouldn’t bethatbig of a drop. If anything, he could probably grab onto the metal stairs that lined the outside of the building. Thirty feet, max. Maybe forty. But he could do this.

“I don’t think you can do this,” Jazz said, standing next to him and peering over the edge. “I mean, I’m all for a montage, but I thought we’d start a little smaller. Maybe some cappuccinos in a cozy coffee shop while we discussed what your potential Extraordinary name could be.”

Now that he was here, Jazz’s idea sounded much better than what he had planned, but he couldn’t back down just because of something as inconsequential as becoming a smear on the pavement.

“I’d really appreciate it if you all backed away from the edge of the roof slowly.”

They turned to see Gibby looking pale, her mouth curved down. She was wringing her hands, her breath pouring from her mouth in a thick cloud.

“What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

“She’s afraid of heights,” Jazz told him. “It’s cute.”

“I’mnotafraid of heights,” Gibby snapped. “I’m not afraid of anything. Just because I don’t want to watch Nick splatter on the ground doesn’t mean I’m scared.”

“So cute,” Jazz breathed.

Nick shook his head, not wanting to get caught up in their flirting, even though it was ridiculously endearing. “I don’t know what my Extraordinary name will be. I can’t decide that until I know what I can do.”

“Which is why you want to jump off a building,” Jazz said. “That doesn’t make any sense and actually might make things worse. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but this is objectively a dumb idea.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “We tried jumping off the porch for the first part of the montage. It didn’t work because it was too small. We tried jumping from the roof of my house, but before I could climb the ladder, Seth threw a snowball at my head, and I couldn’t letthatgo without an appropriate response.”

“Why do you have to jump offanything?” Gibby asked in a strangled voice. “Why can’t you move cups again?”
