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“Are you sure about that?” Gibby asked. “We don’t know them.”

“I do,” Seth said firmly. “At least, as well as someonecanknow them. I’m asking you to trust me on this. I wouldn’t do anything if I thought it’d put any of you in danger. If we’re as alone in this as I think we are, we need all the help we can get. I don’t know if they’ll agree, but we’ve got to try.”

“Superhero team-up,” Nick breathed. “It’s like this is a sequel! Oh my god. Yes.Yes.”

“Uh,” Seth said. “Sure. Why not. Let’s go with that.”

Gibby wasn’t as thrilled. She frowned at Nick before lookingback at Seth. “If you’re sure. Be careful, all right? Things are crazy enough as it is. We can’t take the chance that we’ll have someone stabbing us in the back just because we want more people on our side.”

Seth nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. Trust but verify, yeah? Nick, get in touch with your dad, find out what he knows. Gibby, go to my house and talk with my aunt and uncle. Jazz, go with her. I need you in the lair to—”

“Secret lair,” Nick corrected automatically.

Seth snorted. “Yeah, the secret lair. Jazz, I need you on comms. You’re the best at it.”

“On it, boss,” Jazz said. “Ooh, that gave me bad chills. I’m not going to call you that anymore.”

“Please don’t,” Seth said. “All right, let’s go. Nick and I will—”

The sound of a door swinging open followed by a voice startled them. “Are you guys going to just stand there wearing my clothing without paying for them? Because that’s not how commerce works.”

They all jumped, looking back behind them. The clerk stood with his arms crossed, glaring at them.

“Right,” Nick said hastily. “We’ll pay for them and then be on our way. And don’t change a thing about my dead magician suit. If you even remove one sequin, I’ll know, and the Yelp review I’ll leave will be emotionally devastating but still have five stars because I shop and support local.”

The clerk rolled his eyes. “Get into tuxedo rentals, they said. You’ll love it, they said. Well, guess what? Theylied.”

“That sounds like a you problem,” Nick said. “But since I’m not in the mood to destroy dreams right now, I’ll let it slide. You did a good job. Thank you for your help.”

The clerk blanched. “Oh—you’re welcome. And please, tell your friends about my shop for all their prom needs.”

“We don’t have any other friends,” Gibby said.

The clerk threw up his hands in disgust.
