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“Who’ve handled themselves remarkably,” Miss Conduct said. “You know that, TK. You saw what they did on the bridge. It’s why you sought Pyro Storm out. You didn’t want to be alone anymore. We have each other now. That means we watch each other’s backs against shitheels like Simon Burke. And if the need should arise, we will do what we have to in order to protect each other.”

TK slumped. “I’m not like you. I’m not like any of you. I’ve been fine on my own. I don’t need a team to—”

“Bullshit,” Nick said, and TK jerked his head up. “Miss Conduct’s right. You found Pyro Storm because you wanted to connect to someone else who has amazing powers and is doing something good with them. And sure, I don’t really know how to make my powers work when I want them to, but I helped to stop Shadow Star before I knew I could do anything like that. You already at least kind of trust Seth, or you wouldn’t have sought him out. We’d be unstoppable if we’re all working together, so why are you fighting this so hard?”

“Twink’s got a point, TK,” Miss Conduct said. “Maybe we don’t trust each other completely yet, but Nick still came here without a disguise because he was willing to take the risk that we allwant the same thing. Am I scared of risking increased exposure by teaming up with a public hero? Hell yes. But if we don’t fight for ourselves and our future, then those who can do what we do won’t have anyone to turn to. It’s not just about us. It’s about those who’ll come after us. If I need to pick up a damn brick like our lord and savior Marsha P. Johnson, then that’s what I’ll do.” She smiled sharply. “And if anyone gets in our way, then they’ll have a fight on their hands.”

“You’re all out of your minds,” TK said, though he sounded begrudgingly impressed. “Fine. We work together. For now. Don’t do anything stupid that’ll get yourselves killed.”

Pyro Storm sounded relieved when he said, “Good. I’ll send updates through the app. You can do the same.”

“Is that it?” TK asked. “It’s getting late. You need to get home.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “It’s Saturday night, and you’re not my parent. I’ve already got one of those, and he’s a pain in my ass.”

“Keep telling yourself that, kid,” TK said.

And then TK turned, leaping up to the wall of the building to the right. The brickwork bulged from the wall with a groan, giving TK purchase as he climbed swiftly, almost too fast to follow. The last Nick saw of him was the flash of his helmet catching the lights from the city as he reached the roof and disappeared.

“I do love a dramatic exit,” Miss Conduct said, staring upward. She shook her head as she glanced back at them. “If there’s nothing else, I’m going to get out of here too. Some of us have work in the morning. Pyro Storm, it’s been real. I’ll be in touch if I find out anything. Twinkie, keep on doing what you’re doing. You’ll figure it out.”

And with that, electricity began to arc along her body until she became so bright, Nick had to look away. The electricity snapped and snarled, and when the light faded, she was gone, leaving Nick and Pyro Storm alone in the alley.

“Still think they’re working with Burke?” Seth asked as he removed his helmet. His curls were a mess. He brushed them off his sweaty forehead.

“No,” Nick said quietly, looking up again to where TK haddisappeared. “I don’t think they are. But it would really suck if one or both of them ended up betraying us, so I reserve the right to complain dramatically if that happens.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Seth said, stripping quickly out of his costume. Nick didn’t look away this time, watching as gooseflesh prickled along Seth’s arms and bare back, the muscles shifting under his skin.

Seth complained only a little when Nick practically tackled him, kissing every part of him his mouth could reach. As Nick held Seth close, chin hooked over his shoulder, breathing him in, Nick promised himself that nothing would tear them apart. They were in this together, and no one—not Burke, not Dad, not any villains who’d come after them—could take that away from them.
