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“Man,” Trey whispered in Nick’s ear. “I hope to hell you’re right about her. She’s not doing herself any favors.”

“Wait,” Nick whispered back, though a trickle of alarm ran down his spine.

“… and who has never let his detractors drown out his message of unity.” She smiled widely. “Simon Burke is here for you. He will always be here for you, whenever you need him. And on today of all days, Independence Day, a message: Simon Burkewillwin!”

The crowed exploded once more.

“Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Nova City, join me in welcoming the man of the hour… SimonBurke!”

Chaos. Chaos and noise, a storm of reverence and adulation that threatened to overwhelm Nick. He blocked it out as best he could, vision shrinking to a pinpoint, fixed firmly on Simon Burke, who jogged up the steps to the stage, waving his hands as confetti shot from cannons, brightly colored slips of paper spinning through the air. Rebecca Firestone shook his hand, Burke pulling her close, kissing her cheek. She nodded at whatever he said and smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes.

The crowd continued on and on, a wall of noise that never seemed to end as Burke approached the podium. He wore jeans and a red polo shirt, buttoned all the way up to his throat. (A crime.)

“It’s starting,” he said, cupping his ear. “Are we ready?”

“Getting there,” Gibby said, sounding harried. “How long into the speech?”

“Three minutes. When he starts talking about Extraordinaries registration, it’s on.”

“We’ll be ready,” Jazz said, though she, too, sounded nervous. “Martha? How are we doing?”

“Sending it to you now,” Martha said, all business.

“Got it,” Gibby said. “Crap, this is… complicated.”

Another voice came on the line. Aysha said, “You can do it, Lola. Take a breath. Let it out. Clear your head.”

“Pyro Storm?” Nick asked as Burke grinned, his face on the screens behind him.

“Moving,” Pyro Storm grunted in his ear. “Seventy-second floor, right?”

“Yes,” Nick said. “That’s where he’s put his new office.” He looked up the side of the building, a wave of vertigo washing over him. “You have time. Take it slow.”

“On it. Nick, get ready.”

Without hesitation, Miles and Bob and Trey surrounded Nick. “Mind if I borrow that?” Trey asked the man standing next to him. “Want to get in on the action.”

“Sure,” the man said with a shrug. “Knock yourself out. So long as I get it back.” He handed over a large cardboard sign readingBURKE FOR MAYOR! Trey lowered it in front of him, blocking the sight line between his legs.

As Nick kneeled down, sliding his backpack off and setting it on the ground in front of him, Burke began to speak. “My friends, it is my honor to stand before you today.”

Nick unzipped the backpack.

“Much has been made of the past year, the trials and tribulations we have all faced. It never seems to get any easier, does it?”

Nick lifted his helmet out of the backpack reverently, setting it on the ground next to him.

“And I’ll admit something to you, something that I’ve never said to anyone before. I’ve had doubts. After all, I am just one man. A man with a vision, yes, but greater men than I have had vision, only to fail.”

The costume next, cerulean, with white lines.

“But I promise you, I willnotfail.”

Chucks off.

“I see a world where we are free. Where we are safe.”

He rose, sliding the costume up and over his shoulders. Bulky from his shorts and shirt.
