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“Perfect,” Nick breathed as he began to read with interest.

So, you want to be a bottom! Congratulations on making such an important decision. Though some seem to think tops have all the power in a relationship, it’s actually the bottom who is in control. Without them, tops would have nothing to insert themselves into. They need people just like you!

“I feel validated,” Nick whispered.

There are many ways to bottom—and not all involve penetration—which we’ll cover in greater detail later on. But the first thing a bottom must ask themselves is this: What do I want to get from bottoming?

“Sex,” Nick said promptly. “All the sex.”

If you said sex, then you’re partially right! However, please remember that penetration doesn’t need to come from another person. There are many sexual toys that could allow a bottom to experience the joys of bottoming without another party present. If you would like to learn more about these, click on the following link to be taken toHOW TO FIND THE RIGHT SEX TOY FOR YOU!

Nick almost clicked but stopped himself at the last moment. “One thing at a time,” he muttered. He figured it was better to learnhowto bottom before he found something to stickinhis bottom.

While this how-to is comprehensive and will provide you with step-by-step instructions on How to Bottom, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you of SAFETY FIRST. Always, always take precautions. Condoms. Dental dams. Knowing your partner or partners’ health status, and your own. Sexually active people—no matter how they identify—should get tested regularly. In addition, if you’re having sex, you should consider speaking with a medical professional about getting on PrEP, a medication that helps lower the odds of HIV transmission. The more you protect yourself, the safer you’ll be.

Now, let’s get to it.

Step 1: Enemas!

“Oh my god,” Nick whispered fervently. “I have to dowhat?”

The more he read, the more blood drained from his face (and from his groin). He’d never considered such a thing, and now that he knew it was out there, he wasn’t quite sure what to do with this information. Yes, he could see why it might be critical (No one likes fecal penis,the article told him) but the very idea of having to… to…cleanhimself out before he had sex broke his brain in ways he wasn’t sure he could recover from.

Throat dry, he pushed his way away from his desk, shooting to his feet and running to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face, trying to ignore his bulging eyes in the reflection, his skin tight and overwarm. Did… Seth know about enemas? What if they werebothbottoms? How were they supposed to have a lasting relationship if neither wanted to top? Or did that even matter?

He jumped when he heard the front door open, and a voice called out. “Nick? You home? Forgot some paperwork.”

“In the bathroom!” he yelled, voice cracking pitifully. “I’m not doing anything weird!”

A pause. Then, “Yeah, see, when you say that, it makes me suspicious.”

“That’s because you’realwayssuspicious!” Nick bellowed, gripping the sink and wondering if he and Seth were doomed to Bottom Hell for the rest of their natural lives.

A moment later, Dad knocked on the door. “Do I want to know what you’re doing in there?”

“Oh my god, Dad, I’m washing myface.”

“Uh-huh. If you say so. Remember, that’s a shared bathroom, so if you’re doing anything… normal, then make sure you clean up after yourself.”

Nick groaned, face in his hands as he lamented on the fact that his father was the most embarrassing human in existence.

“And I’ve got that basket of laundry I told you to put away that you still haven’t done.”

“Just… put it in my room,” Nick said as he dropped his hands. “Please. Thank you.”

Dad chuckled, and the floor creaked as he moved away from the bathroom door.

If he’d known how much worse it was about to get, Nick would’ve probably fled the house, moved to Canada, and spent the rest of his days living in a cabin while making maple syrup, or whatever it was Canadians did aside from being pleasant and supportive, most likely because they enjoyed the benefits of universal healthcare.

But since foresight wasn’t in his wheelhouse and he was therefore unprepared for the terrible fate that awaited him, he pulled himself together and took a deep breath, forcing a smile on his face. It only looked slightly manic, so Nick counted that as a win.

It was about this time that Nick remembered what he’d been looking at on his computer. The computer in his room. The same room where Nick had just given his father permission to enter.

“Oh no,” he whispered, the face of his reflection bone white.

He flung open the door, looking down the hall wildly. Empty. His parents’ bedroom door was ajar. Hopefully, that meant Dad was in his room after having dropped the laundry off.

The basket of folded clothes was sitting on the bed, and Nick slammed the door behind him, relieved that Dad had been so distracted, he hadn’t seen what was on the comp—
