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Owen grinned at her, blood staining his teeth. “Promises, promises. Seth, who are you calling? The police?Maybenot the best idea, seeing as how dear old Dad has them all in his back pocket. You think they’d stop with just me? You can’t possibly bethatstupid.” He sniffed. “Especially if I tell them you were working with me all along.” He glanced at Nick, smile widening. “Guardian, too. Isn’t that right, Nick? Man, that costume really works for you. Been working out? I can tell. Got some muscles in your arms now. Nice. Question. Do the cops know you’re Guardian? Because I can tell them that, too.”

Seth lowered his phone slowly, expression stormy. “What do you want?”

“That’s better,” Owen said. “And perfect question, Seth. WhatdoI want? Many things, as you’d expect. World peace. A cure for cancer. A slice of pizza from that hole-in-the-wall off Nelson and Freeman. Remember that place, Nick? Took you there on our first date. You were so nervous it was positively adorable.” He swiped his tongue over his lips, wincing when it touched the cut.

“You killed people.” Nick said flatly. The sun was still beating down on them, but Nick had never felt colder in his life. He could hear the people in the park, but they all sounded far away.

“I guess nobody’s perfect,” Owen replied. “But then, I never claimed to be. I’m not as self-righteous as the four of you.” His eyes narrowed. “Lighthouse. Like you’re not a bunch of kids playing superhero. You have no idea what the real world is like.”

“And you do?” Gibby said, the skin under her left eye twitching.

Owen shrugged. “Spend enough time in a padded room with the lights always on from all directions, it gives a man time to think, because sleeping is almost impossible. Have you ever been pumped full of drugs against your will? BecauseIhave.” His mouth dropped open as if something important had gone through his head. “You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Nicky? Concentra. It’ll help you concentrate!”

Now it was Seth’s turn to hold someone back, as Nick tried to throw himself at Owen, to wrap his hands around the bastard’s neck and squeeze and squeeze andsqueezeuntil the light went out from Owen’s eyes, until his breath rattled in his throat.

“Wow,” Owen said, unperturbed. “Lotta anger issues. Must be a family trait. How’s your dad, Nick? Hurt anyone else lately? Probably won’t get away with it now, seeing as how he’s not protected by his uniform anymore.”

“I’ll kill you,” Nick snarled at him.

Owen laughed. “Where wasthisNick back in the day?” He pressed a hand against his throat, voice mocking when he said, “ButOwen,I don’t know if I can take the pill. They’rescary.”

“You think we’re going to sit here and listen to you?” Jazz asked.

Owen stopped laughing as he leaned forward. “I don’t think you’re going to listen to me. Iknowyou will. Because I know things you don’t, and oh man, I can’t wait to see the looks on your faces when I tell you. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.”

“We’re not going to take your bullshit,” Seth said. “Gibby, Jazz, let’s go. Forget the blanket. We can replace it. Nick, we’ll—”

“Before,” Owen said, staring at Nick. “After.”

Nick swayed, anger melting under a wave of unreality, dreamlike, hazy. His throat closed, and he struggled to breathe through it. Before. After. Before. After. There, on the tip of his tongue, dancing, a memory he couldn’t quite grasp.

But it was Gibby who spoke, begrudging yet curious. “What does that mean? I’ve heard it before.”

Owen couldn’t cover up his surprise in time as he glanced at Gibby. “What? Really?Youremember that?”

“No,” Gibby spat, but she looked unsure. “I don’t… I can’t…”

“Huh,” Owen said, tapping his chin. “I didn’t think you’d be the one to almost break through first.” He eyed her up and down. “I’m impressed. Her hold over you guys must not be as absolute as she thinks it is. Either that, or she underestimatedGibby. Not surprised. She was never really able to see what was right in front of her.”

“Who?” Gibby asked, taking a step toward him. “Who are you talking about? If your father is—”

Owen snorted. “I’m not talking about my dad, though he is part of it. No, this is someone else entirely.” He looked at Nick once more. “How’s your mom, Nicky? Good? Hope so. Do me a favor, will you? Next time you see her, would you tell her I said hi? I’d appreciate it.”

“Why the hell would I do that?” Nick snapped.

Owen Burke grinned ferociously. “Because she’s not your mom. She’s mine.”
