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“Try something.”

“Uh, sure? What did you have in—and now you’re bendingover. Why are you—oh.Oh.Holy crap, dude. Are you going to…?”

“I think so,” Seth said, looking up at him. “That all right?”

“Yes,” Nick said quickly. “That sure sounds swell.” He cringed inwardly.Swell?His boyfriend was literally asking to fellate him and he said it soundedswell? He did not deserve oral sex.

But Seth didn’t seem to think the same (quite the opposite, apparently) because he tried to take too much at once, gagging, eyes watering as he pulled off, lips shiny with spit. “Crap,” he muttered, cheeks darkening. “Sorry.”

“Nope,” Nick said. “No apologies. We’re figuring it out, yeah? You can do it again, if you want. Maybe just go a little slower?”

Seth did, and when it came down to it, it probably wouldn’t be considered the best blow job in history. Too much spit, too many teeth (Nick hissing, Seth apologizing), Seth’s gag reflex kicking in. But it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t the best because it wasSeth.It was Seth Gray, and Nick loved him.

They were in love and Seth wasactually blowing him.Nick’s imagination—a wondrous, terrifying thing—had done nothing to prepare him for how real this felt. It was in the way Seth looked up at him. It was in the way he licked. It was in the way he held Nick as if he were something precious, something important, Nick’s hand in his hair, not pushing, but encouraging him on.

To a point, at least, because even if Seth hadn’t done this before, Nick was on a hair trigger, and he didn’t want it to be over just yet. He pulled Seth off him, hands under his arms, lifting him up. He kissed Seth, tongues brushing together. Against Seth’s mouth, he said, “I want to try. Is that okay?”

Seth froze. Then, “Yeah. That’s okay. I want that, too.”

“I’m not going to be good at it,” Nick warned, embarrassed, but knowing it needed to be said. “Just so you know.”

Seth chuckled, shaking his head. “I wasn’t either. But that’s where practice comes in. We’ll do it again and again until we get it right.”

“You have the best ideas.”

Never looking away from Nick, Seth stepped back from the dryer, stopping a few feet away. His hands went to the top of his shorts, and he pushed them down slowly. The skin of his hips and groin was paler than the rest of him, the patch of wiry dark hair almost shocking. And then lower and lower. Nick had felt Seth before. Grinding against him when they were making out. But nothing prepared him for the sight of his boyfriend stepping out of his shorts, letting them fall to the floor, standing nude in the basement. Seth was strong; Nick knew this. But having incontrovertible evidence in front of him was something else entirely.

It wasn’t Seth’s dick. Okay, wait: it wasn’tjustSeth’s dick, though Nick could barely look away from it.

It was more than that.

It was the scar on his hip, the one he’d gotten when they were eleven years old, trying to climb a fence at the park, Seth cutting his side as he climbed over the top.

It was the small freckle just above his groin, like a misshapen heart.

It was the look on Seth’s face, nervous, but sure, filled with so much trust it threatened to send Nick reeling.

And, of course, Seth’s dick. Obviously. It wasn’t a monster. It wasn’t like porn. It was longer than Nick’s, but a little thinner, the flared head reddened. As if moving in a dream, Nick practically floated off the dryer, kicking off his shoes, his socks, and Seth was waiting for him, hand outstretched. Nick took what was offered, and for the first time in his life, touched a dick that wasn’t his. Seth’s eyes fluttered shut as he panted against Nick’s throat, and thepowerhe felt then was enormous, life-altering. It had nothing to do with being Extraordinary.

It had to do with Seth. With his bow ties. With his loafers. With his ridiculous idea that Nick was someone important, someone worthy.

“I’m going to suck your penis now,” Nick said, nipping at Seth’s ear. “Is that okay?”

“All the consent,” he ground out as Nick flicked his wrist, the heat of Seth like a brand against Nick’s palm.

He wasnotgreat at it, far from it. He tried, he did, but he kept forgetting to cover his teeth with his lips, tried to take in more than he was able to. His own gag reflex kicked in, the taste of clean sweat on his tongue, the scent ofSethSethSethfilling his nose. He tried again, relaxing his throat, crowing inwardly when Seth said, “Like that, just like that,” and yes, he felt powerful. Yes, he felt strong. Yes, he felt loved when Seth touched the top of his head, tugging gently on his hair, urging him on, telling him it was good,You’re doing so good, Nicky,his words whispered in reverence. Maybe he wasn’t great at it, but his enthusiasm more than made up for it. He wanted more, wanted to go as far as they could. He was practically vibrating out of his skin, but they hadn’t prepared for this. Later. It would have to come later.

Eventually, Seth pulled him off, panting, face flushed, lifting him up and kissing his swollen lips. They took each other in hand, and Seth leaned his forehead against Nick’s, exhaling as Nick inhaled, and then Sethgroaned,a low, deep sound that Nick had never heard him make before, at least outside of his dreams. He spilled first, hips stuttering. Nick wasn’t long to follow, feeling a heated coil unfurling in his stomach as his toes flexed, his back ramrod straight. He grunted and then cried out when Seth continued stroking him through it, his skin too sensitive.

Knees weak, they leaned together, holding each other up. Neither spoke. They breathed through it, knowing everything had irrevocably changed, but happy about it, if the way they grinned at each other was any indication.

And Nick—always and forever Nick—said, “Why the hell haven’t we donethatbefore? And when are we going to do it again?”

Seth rolled his eyes fondly, curls damp with sweat hanging down on his forehead. “I take it you enjoyed yourself?”

“That might be an understatement,” Nick said, grimacingdown at the evidence splashed on the cement floor. He laughed as he looked back up at Seth. “We just didsexstuff. I’m only half a virgin now.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.”
