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“It does,” Nick assured him. And because he could, he kissed Seth all over his face, loud, obnoxious smacks that echoed flatly through the basement. Seth, for his part, gave as good as he got, holding Nick close.

He closed his eyes, laying his head on Seth’s shoulders. He knew everything was still waiting for them outside of the basement, but for a moment—perhaps a little longer—he ignored it. All that mattered was Seth’s hand rubbing his lower back, his other hand on the back of Nick’s head.

“Thank you,” he whispered. “That was frickin’ rad.”

Seth snorted before kissing the side of his head. “I think so, too.”

He was about to suggest another round—short recovery time, hellyes—but before he could, the basement door opened and an amused voice called down, “Are you guys done? Yay for you and congrats on the sex, but Gibby says she could have gone the rest of her life without knowing Seth was a screamer.”

“Oh my god,” Nick blurted, starting to panic all over again. “Jazz? Don’t come down here! Our penises are out!”

Seth sighed deeply.

“Ew,” Jazz said. “But also, aw. And don’t worry. I wouldn’t dream of coming down there. I bet it smells weird, like SeaWorld in August.”

“Why is she sodescriptive?” Nick lamented. Then, louder, “Stop ruining our special moment!”

“Our special moment,” Seth repeated. “Really. That’s what you’re going with.”

“Sorry about this,” Nick said, and picked up the towel that had fallen to the ground, dropping it on top of the evidence splattered on the floor. He shuffled his feet back and forth and looked up when he felt Seth watching him with a half smile. “What?”

Seth shrugged. “I love you.”

When faced with an admission of love after coupling, there was only one appropriate response. Nick flung himself at Seth, tackling him to the floor and kissing him within an inch of his life. “I know,” he whispered against Seth’s mouth. “I love you, too.”
