Page 22 of Wolf Kiss

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Reardon assumed that meant he wouldn’t be inhabiting that cage during the rest of his stay here. Though he didn’t like that Hank lad threatening Brandy, the bastard had afforded him the opportunity to both prove his loyalty and show he could be trusted to roam free.

“I agree. Cameras make sense.” Brandy picked up the book. “But first, a name.”

“Something very Alpha,” Meredith said. “This guy isn’t a powder puff.”

Brandy opened the book, skimmed a few pages, and squinted at Reardon. Her brow was creased in concentration and she nibbled on her lower lip as she considered the possibilities.

Reardon liked how focused she was, as if she wanted to get just the right name for him. He had the right name, but that didn’t stop him from appreciating her efforts.

After about five minutes, Brandy snapped the book closed.

“You got it?” Meredith asked.

“Yes. This baby came to my rescue as if he were ready to go to battle with Hank. He was fearless, ignored his own pain, and didn’t stop until I was thoroughly defended.” Brandy kneeled in front of Reardon, her mane of hair sliding over her shoulder like a crimson wave of silk. “I dub thee Alator, after the Celtic god of war. You showed great courage against the enemy.”

Alator?If Reardon could have smiled in wolf form, he would have done it.Reardon McAlator gets named Alator.Maybe he wasn’t the only one to feel a connection. Maybe Brandy felt one to him as well. Such a strong one that she’d guessed his real name.

“Alator,” Meredith said slowly. “I like it. Very powerful and fitting for a huge guy like this.”

“What do you say, big boy?” Brandy ran her hand along his muzzle, under his chin, along the edges of his torn left ear. “Do you like your new name?”

Reardon pushed his nose against her palm, especially loving how her index finger had traced the outline of his imperfect ear. Slowly, he rose to all fours, holding his injured one up a little. He bowed his head then gently touched it to her forehead. He wished he could talk to her, but this was the closest he could get to saying thank you.

“Oh, he’s kind of a sweetie, isn’t he?” Meredith laughed. “Let’s hope Hank doesn’t find that out.”

Brandy hooked her hand around the back of Reardon’s neck and nuzzled his left ear with her nose. She sat back and traced the jagged tip of that ear with her index finger again, making Reardon let out a soft wolf sigh. “Something tells me Alator doesn’t reveal his softer side to his enemies.”

Aye.Until today, Reardon doubted hehada softer side, but this lass made him feel things. Things a warrior werewolf had no business feeling. Things he didn’t think he could ignore.

“Shall we see if he can get along with some of our other residents?” Meredith walked to a window and peered out. “Lug is right here as always.”

Brandy turned back to Reardon. “Okay, buddy. Time to make friends. If you don’t make friends, you can’t stay.”

Something in her eyes begged him to make friends. Was it possible she wanted him to stay? What would she do if she knew he was really a man? Would she be happy? Angry? Afraid?

He didn’t want her to be afraid. He wanted her to keep nuzzling and petting and rubbing, but he also wanted those things in human form.

The time will come.He could let her be comfortable with his wolf form for a while. He was in no rush. Originally, he’d wanted to get back to Ireland, but what was waiting there for him? His family had been his closest men. They had been banished as he had and even if they hadn’t, they were none too happy with him for what he’d done.

No. Going home to either no one or a pack of angry wolves didn’t hold half the appeal that staying with Brandy did.

And so, he allowed her to usher him back into the cage. “Sorry, buddy, but I can’t risk that you’ll go all Alator on poor Lug. He’s not a fighter.” She latched the cage door. “Okay, Mom, let Lug in.”

A moment later, a medium-sized brown wolf loped over to him, and Reardon could instantly tell this wolf had never seen a day’s battle.

Lucky bastard.

Reardon stayed perfectly still while Lug set about sniffing every side of the cage, the wolf’s tail wagging like wild. Lug smelled like damp earth and pine and wet fur. The brown wolf gave off an energy that immediately relaxed Reardon, which was a brand new feeling. Living the warrior’s life rarely brought relaxation. He and his army were always poised for battle, ready to fight at a moment’s notice… or the first sign of a hefty payout. For the first time, Reardon wasn’t concerned with wealth or glory.

He only wanted to stay with the fairy lass named Brandy.

Figuring he’d better react in some way to Lug if he wanted out of that cage again, Reardon pressed his nose to the bars and let out a little whine as if calling for Lug’s attention. The brown wolf raised its head and Reardon lifted a paw, letting it rest on one of the bars separating him from Lug. He turned his head and set his green-gold gaze on Brandy, hoping like hell he wasn’t registering as a threat.

“I think he wants out,” Meredith said.

“What do you think, Lug?” Brandy crouched by the cage, her arm going around Lug in a way that nearly pulled a growl from Reardon. “Can we trust him?”

Lug’s front paws slid until the wolf was on his belly beside the cage. Reardon accepted it as the submissive gesture it was, but didn’t take his eyes off Brandy.
