Page 67 of Wolf Kiss

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Brandy squinted at the phone in her hands. The clarity had improved a little though the footage was in that blue-black night vision lighting. She made out the images of several wolves around the entrance gate. Someone was leading them.

Someone tall.

Someone male.

Someone naked aside from a bandage around his left calf.

Someone who the wolves were rubbing against as if theyknewthis person.

“Who…” Her voice fell away as the naked man faced the wolves and she recognized the rugged, bearded, handsome face. She shot her gaze to Reardon. “Why—?”

“Keep watching,” Parker insisted.

She focused back on the screen and let out a gasp when the man, now on the other side of the entrance gates, got to the ground and changed into… into a huge, black wolf.


The phone slipped from her fingers and bounced on the dirt between her feet.

“Fucked up, right?” Parker kept the gun on Reardon, but reached down for his phone. He dusted it off on his T-shirt and shoved it back into his pocket.

Brandy stood there with her mouth opening and closing, but no sound came out. What she’d seen on the phone had literally taken her breath away. The woods spun around her and she blinked rapidly, fighting off the waves of dizziness cresting over her. Rising up. Crashing. Rising up. Crashing. She couldn’t get any air into her lungs.

Black spots danced at the edges of her vision and she knew she was going down. As much as she didn’t want to pass out, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

She’d just seen a man turn into a wolf. This man. The one on his knees at gunpoint in front of her this very moment. The one she’dsleptwith.

Oh, God…

She hit the ground. The last thing she heard was Parker and Reardon both calling her name.


Reardon shot to his feet to go to Brandy, her body prone on the ground, but Parker got in his path.

“You don’t touch her. Do you hear me? You. Don’t. Touch. Her.” The smaller man held that rifle steady and Reardon had no doubt Parker wouldn’t hesitate to put another bullet in him.

“What did she watch?” He held his hands up, trying to look defenseless, but his brain was running through all the different ways he could get that gun from Parker. He didn’t want to hurt the veterinarian. After all, the man had taken good care of him on several occasions now. That wasn’t enough to keep Reardon from going to Brandy, however.

“As if you don’t know what you did in the cover of darkness last night by the entrance gates.” Parker raised his eyebrows then shook his head. “I mean, whatdidyou do, man? I watched it with my own two eyes, and Brandy obviously witnessed the same thing. Otherwise she wouldn’t be out cold right now.”

Reardon paused for a moment, trying to put the pieces together while deciding which course of action to take next. “These security cameras. What do they do?”

Parker let out a noise of utter disbelief. “What do they do? Are you from Mars, dude? They do what security cameras do—record everything they’re pointed at. In this case, they were pointed at you. You walking toward the entrance gates. Naked, I might add. The wolves rubbing against you and circling around you as if you were their leader or some shit. You opening the gates. You…” Here, Parker squeezed his eyes shut for an instant. When he opened them, his hands were white knuckled on the rifle. He raised it, poised to pull the trigger. “Youchanged.Into Alator. How?” His voice was only a whisper now.

Dammit.Reardon hadn’t known about the security cameras. What madness captures everything a man—or a wolf—does for all to view? He supposed it made sense for catching people like Hank Swift lurking around, up to no good.

But him? He wasn’t out to harm anyone. In fact, just the opposite. He only wanted Brandy’s total acceptance.


He peered around Parker at Brandy still sprawled on the ground. Even unconscious with dirt marring her bare legs, she was a vision.

And now she knew what he could do. Before he’d been able to tell her himself.

This was not good.

“The police are on their way,” Meredith called from the house.
