Page 9 of Wolf Kiss

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“Mom, I think Dylan was looking for you back at the house.” She grabbed Meredith by the shoulders and spun her around back toward the door.

“I was just with him. He’s in the library helping me plan next week’s story hours.” Meredith’s brows lowered as she looked at Brandy then at Parker and back to Brandy.

Parker marched over and Brandy stepped into his path.

“Don’t. I beg you.” She met his kind, brown gaze and knew he was only trying to help. He was good like that.

But seriously. Meredith did not need to know about this offer.

“Are you trying to set her up, Parker?” Her mother nudged her out of the way.

“How did you…” Brandy was always amazed by her mother’s intuitive powers.

“Why, yes, Meredith, I am.” Parker shot her a grin. “Don’t you think it would be a great idea for Brandy to come out with me, Chella, and Marshall?”

“That depends on who Marshall is.”

Good old Mom. Always carefully protecting her brood even if she was nosey about their love lives.

Or lack thereof.

“Marshall is Chella’s cousin,” Parker said.

“What’s wrong with him?” Meredith put her hands on her hips in a move Brandy had seen her use successfully on those less than cooperative field trip visitors.

“Wrong with him?” Parker listened for a minute as Chella no doubt gave him a list of all the ways this Marshall dude was perfect.

Yeah, so perfect he needed to be set up on a blind date.

Brandy smacked a hand to her forehead when she realized Parker—and Chella—thoughtsheneeded to be set up on a blind date.

“Chella says there’s nothing wrong with him. He’s just new here and doesn’t know anyone,” Parker said.

“What does he do for work?” Meredith had shifted into interview mode.

Parker relayed the question then said, “Computer programmer.”

“Hmm.” Meredith puckered her lips. “Maybe he’d be a better fit for Sheyanne over at the town hall? You know, the cute data assistant with the long blonde hair.”

Parker shook his head. “No, Chella says Marshall likes redheads.” He winked at Brandy who suddenly wished she’d chosen to dye her hair black this morning.

“Well, that settles it then.” Meredith turned to Brandy. “What have you got to lose, sweetie? I’ll watch Dylan tonight. Have fun.”

With that, she gave Parker a wave and left the clinic.

“What do you say, B?” He gave her hopeful eyes.

And because she didn’t have a good answer to the what-have-you-got-to-lose question, she nodded.


Smiling, Parker grabbed her shoulder and shook her as he told Chella it was on. He walked away to iron out the where and when details while Brandy kneeled before Midir who had been nosing around the clinic.

“If ever there was a time you wolves wanted to revolt, drag me deep into the woods, and leave me for dead, this would be the day to do it.” She nuzzled Midir’s neck, knowing full well being torn apart by wolves would be better than a blind date.

She’d attempt to be optimistic. Maybe Marshall would turn out to be her soul mate.

If such a thing existed.
