Page 11 of Dangerous Seduction

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Chapter Six



The sound of breaking glass jerks me from my dreams. I was having one of the best I have ever had and the crash pulls me awake immediately. I sit up realizing I am completely naked. I pull the sheet up to my chest and look over at Akio who is also sitting up. He places his hand over my own which is holding the sheet to me.

"Don't leave this bed, Quinn." He reaches for his gun and phone before slipping from the bed and leaving the room. He called me Quinn, not cherry blossom or Sakura. Calling me by my name tells me how serious he is taking this. I reach for my phone and realize I left it in the bathroom when Akio came in. I have no way of knowing what is going on or getting help.

I hear shouting and then something else breaking before doors are being slammed. The bedroom door bangs open and I squeak out a small scream before I recognize Akio is the one standing there. He looks like he's been running his hands through his hair or maybe that's just how he looks when he wakes up in someone's bed.

I want to ask a million questions but at the same time, I don't want all of the answers I'm afraid I might get. Questions about what happened just now and who was making so much noise, and questions about what happened earlier in the night between me and him all go flying through my mind.

"Pack your bags. I'm taking you somewhere safe." His words stun me more than worry me. They also set up a whole new group of questions and make me so unsure of everything.


He looks at me, his gaze glides down my bare shoulders and the swell of my breasts like a physical touch. "Home."

He helps me dress because my hands are shaking too badly to fasten or clasp anything. He takes the sheet out of my hands and stands me up pulling on a skirt he found in my closet. He goes for my underwear drawer next and brings back a bright red bra. I try to take it from him and do it myself but he is quicker. Next, looks for a shirt for me but when he doesn't find what he is looking for he takes his shirt off and pulls it down over my head.

He's in a black tank and I can see most of his tattoos. They cover most of his arms and a good portion of his chest. He pulls a suitcase out for me and dumps all the underwear into it.

"Wait, I'm not wearing panties."

"You won't need to." He doesn't explain any further. I finally start helping him put the things I need into bags. "Akio, I have to call my mom. I have to let her know I'm alright and what happened."

"Call, but don't tell her where you are going. Just tell her you are with me and I am taking you somewhere safe. And my grandfather will be in touch with her in a few days to tell her more." I do as he says, even using his phone to make the call. Mom is freaking out but as soon as she hears who I'm with she settles down some.

"Mom, why are you okay with me going with Akio to a place I don't even know? Isn't this the kind of thing you're supposed to talk me out of doing?"

"His grandfather talked a lot about his grandson when we were having dinner and I think he is an honorable man. He will keep you safe or die defending you. What more can a mother ask for in a man with her daughter?" I don't want to tell her what happened in the bathroom or rather right outside of it, or the bedroom. I don't want to tell her I ran from Japan to get away from Akio and the things he makes me feel. I have no choice but to just drop it and let her go on believing that I will be safe with Akio.

In an hour I have bags packed and I’m on a private plane headed to someplace I don't know. Akio met with the police who came because of the noise. He also made sure one of his men got looked at before we left. He got hit in the head when the person who broke in tried to run from Akio and was desperate enough to lash out at one of the men guarding us.

I haven't said very much since I woke up and I don't think my brain is functioning just yet. Too much has happened to me in the last twelve hours. I thought I was home and everything would fall right into place like before but nothing is the same. People are breaking into my home, Akio won't let me out of his sight for a second, and I'm on a freakin' private plane.

"You're plane is very pretty." The interior is done in blacks and whites with big chairs and two couches on either side of the compartment facing inward.

Akio laughs, "Thank you. I'll let grandfather know you approve of his decorating scheme."

"Oh, okay."

"Grandfather lets me use the plane when I need it but I prefer to drive or fly commercial when I go. This time though that wasn't an option." Because of what happened before the trip.

"Are we going back to Japan?"

"No, I am taking you to the place I stay when I am in the States, which is most of the time. I went to college here." Well, at least I narrowed it down to what part of the world I will be in when we land. "You should try to rest. It will be a few hours before we get to where we going."

Before the words are even out of his mouth I am shaking my head no. I don't think I will feel safe enough to ever sleep again.

"I don't think I can." I don't want him to think of it as a challenge this time. I need him to understand it just is the way it is.

He stands from his seat and takes my hand. I follow him to the back of the plane where there is a full-sized. It is done in the same black and white colors. Akio pushes me down on the soft mattress and slips off my shoes.

"Akio, I'm not trying to be difficult or argue with you. I can't go to sleep." He has my foot fully extended upward so that it sits on his shoulder and it takes me a minute to figure out that if he looks down he can see up my skirt. I try to wiggle away but he won't let me. His hand slides up my calf massaging as he goes. When he gets to the back of my thigh I can't fight the moan any longer because this feels too good. The backs of my thighs are sore from having them spread for so long when Akio was in between them.

"Why don't you let me handle things for a while, blossom. I'll make sure everything is taken care of. All you have to do is relax."
