Page 13 of Dangerous Seduction

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Chapter Seven



While my cherry blossom was sleeping I was on the phone talking to my grandfather. I have a sneaky suspicion who the guy was that broke into her apartment and I want his fucking head on a platter. It would seem that I am not the only one who followed my little one back to the States. I didn't get a great look at the man but he had the body shape and build of the guy who tried to push himself into her hotel room. I should have killed him when I had the opportunity but Quinn didn't want to be part of something so violent and I didn't want her to have to.

Grandfather is over the moon about Quinn being with me. He's already asked when a wedding is to be expected and grandbabies. I didn't tell him that she might already be carrying one. That thought makes me furious when I think of someone being so close with intent to harm my little blossom.

I didn't want her to worry anymore on the plane so I used every ability I had to make sure she got some rest and was taken care of. If she is holding my child her worrying isn't going to help either one of them. It is why I have to find the fuck who broke in and end him while making the woman sitting next to me realize she was always meant to be here.

I help her out of the car and up the front steps of my house. I give her a moment to take in the front hall and the living room. My house is done in a very traditional style but with all the comforts of the modern. I have high ceilings and lots of windows that open wide to let in the sunshine and fresh air but my furniture is lower to the ground. My living room isn't overcrowded with things and I keep a lot of the house minimalistic.

I run my hand down to clasp hers and take her to the bedroom. She still needs to rest and I need to make sure things are taken care of long enough that I can hunt this fucker down and make him pay. My bed is up on a raised floor with a drop on one side. You have to go up a small set of stairs to reach the bed that sits on a low frame making it look like it is on the floor.

"Here we are, the bedroom."

"You have a very beautiful home. I like the mix of old and new." She looks around for a few moments at the things in my room. On one side is a television and on the other is a computer sitting on a desk. It is very clear that this is my bedroom. "Um, where do you want me to sleep?"

"In my bed." Her eyebrows rise and I can tell she is thinking about what we did on the plane. I had to get myself off twice before my cock would fit back in my dress pants. "Until we catch this guy I am going to be your shadow, staying next to you morning and night, every second of every day. And that means you sleep in my bed with me."

"I...I can't have sex with you." She puts her hand against my lower stomach like she wants to push me away but she doesn't.

"Why not?"

Her light brown eyes finally look up into mine, "Because...I..."

"Are a virgin. I know that." She pulls back even farther from me.

"I'm not just going to hop in bed with someone who wants a roll in the hay and nothing else."

"Why would we be doing it in hay? We'll be in a bed when I take you for the first time. A nice soft one." She rolls her lips around her teeth like she is fighting to keep from saying something.

"No, that's means we're going to have sex."

"Then yes." She will just have to come to terms that she is mine and I am hers, especially now that she is in my home.

"No. Damn it, listen to me." She seems as frustrated about this whole argument as I am. "I don't want to give my virginity away to someone who just wants to have sex with me."

"You want to get married first? How quickly do you think we can do that?" Between her mother and my grandfather surely we can be married by the end of the week. I'll wait for her that long if I have to. I would wait for her forever but now that she is so close it is painful to even think about letting another second go by where she is not mine.

She makes a cute little scrunched-up face before letting out a loud 'ooh' stalking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I understand she is going to need time to adjust to me being in her life but she is going to have to do it quickly because I'm not going anywhere. And I'm completely serious when I talk to her about marrying her. She will have my last name about the same time she has my baby in her belly.

I hear her call out from the bathroom and walk over to find out if she locked the door to keep me out. The knob turns and when the door opens she's standing over the bathtub. She turns to look at me. "Oh my God, how pretty. I've never seen a tub like this one."

It is a sunken tub that is flush with the floor. It has pebbles in a trench around it so it soaks up any splashes or overflows and a small staircase leading down to the tub itself. When I use it I tend to open the bamboo slated blinds so I can stare out the floor-length windows that overlook a valley with rolling hills. I can't wait to have her in here in this tub.

"Would you like to take a bath, little blossom?"

"Yes." Her voice is excited and she nods as well as answers.

"By all means, enjoy the tub. I will run you a bath and if you give me a few minutes I'll make sure you have all of the things you need for after."

She looks like she wants to say yes. "Um," Letting me do this for her makes her vulnerable to me again. I understand that so I give her more of an enticement.

"I could light you a fire in the hearth and bring you something cold to drink while you soak."

"Oh...okay. I guess that would be alright." I nod my head and turn her to take her back out to the bedroom. I watch her sit on the bed and wait for me to grab a few towels before I go back in the bathroom and fill her tub. I make several trips gathering what I need for her until I eventually have it all set up for her.
