Page 17 of Dangerous Seduction

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Chapter Nine



"Yours." She whispers it but that isn't good enough.

"Say my name. Say all of it."

"It belongs to you, Akio." She says it louder this time.

When I saw her come out of the hall I felt my temper rise. Not at Quinn. At myself for not taking care of her better. I should have made sure she stayed in bed and rested. I should have just told my grandfather to wait and took care of her then and there. I could tell by the way she walked that she was tender.

I have already told my grandfather to expect a great-grandchild in nine months. The smile on his old face was enough to have me smiling as well. I also told him that he should reach out to her mother to plan the wedding as soon as possible. After I handle the problem with the intruder, my number one goal is getting Quinn tied up with a ring on her finger and my last name on all of her paperwork.

I step into the bathroom and grab a soft washcloth and run it under the hot water. I also grab a jar of salve that will help her muscles relax and another that will help her tender flesh heal. When I have everything I need to care for her I come back to the bed and find that she is still lying how I placed her when we first came into the room.

I use the cloth first so I can wipe away the old semen that has leaked onto her thighs and any blood that might have remained once we came out of the tub. Then I use the salve.

"What is that?" She tries to close her legs but I don't let her.

"It is something to make the swelling go down and help you heal now don't move." I run my finger around the outside of her swollen flesh and then spread her so that I can put some on the inside. I even take my finger and run some inside of her. Her breathing speeds up when I do.

"It's kind of tingly." I put the cap back on the bottle and go for the other one. Her hand has come to my shoulder so I try not to move far. I don't want her to end the contact just because I made her more aware of it.

"What's that?" she is eyeing the second bottle.

"This? It is something for those achy muscles. Roll over." She does as I ask and I pour some of the sweet-smelling oil on her back and the swell of her ass. At the first touch of my hands, she moans deep and loud. All thoughts or worries about my grandfather being here gone from her mind. I spend a long time rubbing the backs of her thighs and up over the curves of her ass and back. Down her arms and back to her neck.

"Roll." I have to repeat myself because I don't think she was conscious the first time if the jolt from her body was any confirmation.

"Sorry." She rolls over and lets me pour more oil on her. This time I drizzle some down between the valley of her breasts and across her belly and over her hips.

"No need to be sorry." I lean forward to steal a kiss before I go to work relaxing the front muscles. I spend just as much time and attention on all of her front as I do the back. My palms and fingers glide over the swell of her breasts and down the now flat plain of her stomach. She gives me moans and sleepy sighs as feedback. By the time I am done she is deep asleep and ready to give her body time to heal. I drop a kiss on her forehead and go to find my grandfather.

I find him sitting outside on a little mat watching the sun go down over the ocean and rocks. "Is she good?"

"She is resting."

His smile lights his whole face. "Good, good. That is what she will need to stay strong and make us strong boys and girls - you children and me great grandchildren."

We sit for some time not talking just staring out over the water. "Will you go tonight or is there a plan for tomorrow?"

He's aware I am going for this man that has scared my blossom and tried to hurt her more than once now.

"Not tonight. I want to be here just in case she needs me but tomorrow I would ask you to stay with her and watch over her."

"Naturally." He speaks like it is perfectly normal for someone to ask their grandfather to stay with their woman while they go out and slaughter someone. "I had hoped to keep violence far away from you but I understand the need to protect that which is yours. Be careful and be safe."

I give him a little nod showing him I understand what he means. Be careful not to get caught for the crime you are about to commit and be safe that it is you who are doing the hunting and not the other way around. I sit with him for a while before I make my way back to my bedroom and the soft blossom in my sheets.

In the morning I am up before she is. I leave her to make her something she can eat when she wakes up but come back to her quickly and spend the rest of an hour watching her sleep. Once her eyes flutter open and the initial surprise of waking up in a man's bed passes she gifts me with a smile as she stretches.

"Oh wow! I can't believe how relaxed I was last night and I'm barely sore this morning."

"Good." I kiss her and hand the tray over with her breakfast on it.

"You...made me breakfast?"
