Page 10 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 5


I couldn't stop myself from marking Tracie. The animal in me was howling that I shove my dick, all ten inches; so far in her no one would ever have a doubt about who she belongs to. This was the only way I could appease the animal and spare her the pain of a fast fuck in my living room in front of my sister. Even after I came all over her pussy it wasn't enough. I had taken what was running down her legs and scooped some up shoving it and my fingers deep inside her. She came again for me as her pussy sucked the cum from my fingers like I can only imagine it would suck my dick.

I look at her from across the room, curled in the corner of my couch. The same couch I bent her over just hours ago. Roxanne, my sister, is sitting on the other side watching me look at her. I'm aware I'm not acting like myself around Tracie. I have always been a protector. It started with my mom, then Roxy but Tracie seems to have it raging out of control.

My mom was a beautiful woman, small like Roxy but pale and light to mine and Roxy's darker coloring. When she met my dad he took complete and total advantage of her. He left her used and broken and knocked up at sixteen and with a baby who was mixed racially. I still don't know how my mom made it through the first couple of years with a baby and no support. She's one of the strongest women I know.

As soon as I was able, I was taking jobs to help her, offering what little support I could. It wasn't easy for me growing up because I never felt like I fit in anywhere really. I got into a lot of fights and caused my mom more grief than I can atone for now that I’m older and know better.

It wasn't until the summer I turned fifteen that mom met my step dad and Roxy's father. He was the complete opposite of my dad, a school teacher who likes to play chess and read. He didn't care that my mom dropped out of high school and a fifteen year old kid with a bad attitude who liked to fight almost as much as he liked to breath. Not soon after that Roxy came along and I had someone small and weak to care for. It was the first time I think it hit me that if I was going to be everything my dad wasn't I was going to have to take care of those who couldn't take care of themselves.

That didn't stop me from fighting. If anything I went looking for them. Every kid's ass I beat who was picking on someone weaker than them made me feel like I had a true purpose in life.

As soon as I was old enough I joined the military so I had Uncle Sam's permission to beat the hell out of the bullies of the world. Not long after that, the Special Forces came knocking at my door. Turns out I was really good at taking out bad guys. Then, I got hurt.

Roxy was ten at the time and all I can remember is her crying a lot and me thinking that if I’m going to be around to take care of her I can't get my ass blown up a world away. Not when I’ve got something at home that needs protecting. John helped too. He came to me when I was still in the hospital and told me that he wasn't going to be around forever as much as he wanted to be. I needed to maybe think about how I was going to be there for my mom and Roxy if something ever happened to him. Despite us not always seeing eye to eye on things, I can't say I don't love my step dad for the man he is. Even though he's quiet and less prone to aggression than I am, he still taught me what it means to be a man every bit as much as the military taught me how to channel that aggression and use it.

As soon as I was able I started my company, and even though it took five years to get it up and running it is worth every late night I put into it. Not only do I get to help Roxy fulfill her dreams, I help my fellow soldiers by offering them jobs when they come out of the service. It’s also useful when the girl you plan to spend the rest of your life with is being stalked by some sick fuck who thinks he can have what is yours.

The picture Tracie found stuck to her door was taken while she slept from her laptop camera, which is a small blessing that the guy wasn't actually in the house with her while she slept unprotected and unaware. The threat that is typed out is what makes it scarier. At the bottom of the picture of her lying on the bed with one leg bare and above the covers are the words: I see you and soon you will feel me. When I fuck you, all you'll be able to do is scream and cry, bitch. The more you hurt the better it will be.

I can't believe she thought I would do something like this to her. It really makes me question what and how I say things. As much as I want her to know she's mine and I'll give her whatever she needs, I would never take from her. It is her decision when we come together and how. I am going to have to have a long talk with her about what it means to be with me and how even if I spank her I want her to feel good.

In our relationship she will always come first. And second, and sometimes third, before I ever take from her. When I had her bent over the couch I was very mindful of what she was feeling and thinking. If she wasn't down with the whole daddy thing it would have been gone and forgotten. But she was.

I felt her grow wetter when I had her call me Daddy and when she was lost in the throes of passion she shouted for me. I still have no idea how I didn't drive my dick into her right then and there. But she wasn't ready for that. She just needed release and an escape from all the tension and fear that had her all worked up.

I watch her now as her head nods forward in sleep and refuse to think what we did didn't offer her some help in handling this whole situation. I see the dark circles under her eyes and even though I was right beside her the entire time the police were questioning her I couldn't answer for her. I knew she needed something to help take the stress of the night away for just a little while and I was going to be the man that did that for her.

Even now I think back on the call I made while she was upstairs getting something to wear from my room. Smiley, my security guy, worked in Special Forces nearly all his life. He's a small man and full of contradictions, half mad scientist and half leprechaun, he runs most of the inner workings of the office from his laptop. When I told him what was going on I had security out here before the local police got here.

He had already been here and gone, with the full support of the police chief, by the time my girl had come down. Her laptop was being scoured for any trace this guy left when he remoted in to use her camera and Smiley assured me that he is putting one of his best on it, his own son. I've worked with him from time to time. He's good at finding things; programs, software, people. His son may not have been in the military with us but he was raised by Smiley and that might have been a harder training ground to go through.

Finally, the last of the police officers and investigators trickle out and I check in with my team who are strategically placed on the grounds so I can rest easy for the night. Normally, a man like me wouldn't trust somebody else to stay alert and protect what is mine, but I would trust each of these men with my life and have on several occasions. They can't be bought, they never let their guard down, and their sole purpose in life is to hunt and protect. My sister and my woman could not be in better hands.

Roxy had gone up to bed hours ago. But Tracie had to stay just in case someone had a question or needed something clarified. I had Smiley go through all the texts and calls that Tracie had gotten on her phone when she told the police that she was getting a lot of hang-ups and weird texts. It turns out this guy has been causing problems for my girl for a lot longer than just tonight. I was going to have to tell her I wasn't much better than him, invading her privacy and taking from her and that wasn't sitting well with me.

I scoop her up from the couch and she jerks awake saying my name and struggling to be put down. I try to catch her hand in my own while still holding her to me to keep her from hurting herself. I stop when her eyes finally focus. She settles down and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Sorry," she mumbles into the hollow of my neck and sleepily nuzzles her mouth close to my chin. "Fucker scared me bad tonight. Don't tell anyone, okay. I'm supposed to be tough."

The animal coils in me and I think about wrapping my hands around this little fuckers neck and choking the life out of him, but something in my chest also moves and breaks at how strong and brave she is being. I want to wrap those same hands around her and love her and never let her be scared again. Even at the height of the rage and anger, she calms and focuses me, turning me to a different path than the one I'm on.

I take her to my room and kick the door shut behind us. When I lay her on the bed I can't tell if she's still awake or if she’s gone back to sleep. Her worn shirt from earlier is laying on the floor and a sense of pride and purpose fills me. Her clothes are on my floor, she is in my bed, and before long my baby will be in her belly. I reach for the shirt she put on and start unbuttoning it. The damned thing was as big as a dress on her and went to her knees.

I go slowly so she has time to stop me if she wants to. She isn't sleeping; I can see the sparkle of her eyes in what little light is coming into the room. When the shirt is unbuttoned down to her navel I can't stop myself from spreading the edges and staring at her tight little nipples as they crinkle and harden.

I run my fingertip over one of them and feel how silky soft they are and my mouth waters. She moans softly and squeezes her legs together trying to add pressure to her clit so she can find some relief. I finish unbuttoning her and spread the shirt open looking at her bare pussy. Because she's bare, her lips are covered with moisture, getting fuller and puffier the more turned on she gets. When she squeezes her legs together I spot the pucker and release of her bare lips and all I can think about is putting my mouth on her perfect skin and seeing if it's as soft as it looks.

I stand to take off my shirt and unzip my pants. I think about keeping my boxers on for a minute before I ruck them down to the ground. There's no way I'm letting anything come between her and me tonight. She gasps as she takes her first full look at my cock and precum drips from the slit on top. If she wants to stop this, she can. I will go put pajama bottoms on and be more than glad to slide into bed beside her. Instead, she sits up and pushes the shirt from her arms so that she doesn't have anything on.

She watches me to find out what I'll do next but she doesn't say anything, just lies back down. I have no intention of actually making love to her tonight; she's tired and worn out from all that happened today. But I can mark her and give her release so she can find rest easier. I slide on the bed and flip her over so that her back is to my front and her sweet round little ass is nestled close to my cock. The fucker is spitting out so much precum that it makes a mess of her ass cheek. I can't help but find some comfort in knowing I am marking this woman all over with my cum.

She keeps wiggling her butt up next to my cock, she has to feel the wet streaks marking her. She doesn't stop though. In fact, she lets out a sexy soft little moan and pushes back harder on my cock with her ass.

I move my mouth to her ear, "I'm going to make you cum greedy girl, but you've got to stop rubbing that ass up against me or I'm going to take what belongs to me."
