Page 15 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 7


I am sitting in the back of a small van with Tom, the man I found smothering my sister and think, I can't kill him now. He knows the target too well and has set this up so that we can take the bastard who scared my Tracie down. Walking in and seeing him all over Roxy made me see red and I do plan on getting to the bottom of that whole mess as soon as my Tracie is safe.

Before I left she made me swear not to kill Eugene Smith, the stalker prick, and I promised her I wouldn't. I just made the officials aware that he is a dangerous criminal and shouldn't be given a chance to escape or to get a weapon. Information is everything and so is the manipulation of it. Now, if the son of a bitch even looks like he's going to pull a weapon or run, they'll open fire on him without a second thought.

It took Tom a few days, but his sources at the FBI came through and had our backs once they knew there was a serial rapist who the local cops hadn't collared yet. It wasn't as though the local PD hadn't tried, but this guy was going state to state and it made their jobs so much harder. It also put it squarely in the Bureau's lap. The locals were happy to help stop this guy and allowed us the use of their tech and support while we waited to grab him.

It didn't hurt that Tom may have gone through and found some other illegal shit this creep was doing. Tom gave them the guy on a silver platter using the same tech the sick fuck was using to spy on Tracie; he found things that would make charges stick when this slime ball was caught no matter what. If it all worked like it should, this loser shouldn't see the outside world until they were taking him out in a box.

I haven't been in a situation like this in years. Hunting someone down is a lot like a drug. I can totally see how serial killers and agents get their rocks off on it. You play this cat and mouse game with some sick fuck and when you win you feel like a freakin' superhero. That kind of high now comes with my Tracie.

It's been four days of nonstop loving and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her walking away once she's safe. It's a price I am going to have to pay because as possessive and protective as I am of the people I love, I never want to take their free will away from them. I worry, looking into this guy, that I may have already crossed a line but I just can't help myself when it comes to her.

The fact that she let me off so lightly when I told her I watched her play with herself from the window of my office was a small miracle. I do not want to push this girl away with how much I want her to be mine. I meant what I told her when I had her bent over the back of the couch too. I aim to put a ring on her finger before the baby I am trying my hardest to put in her is here. If she'll have me that is.

The earpiece tells me they are in position and are getting ready to take the perp. Tom says the guy is definitely going to show and has taken the bait we have set for him in the form of yet another artist. But instead of a tall blonde sculptor, this one is actually a tall blonde Irishmen who doesn't know a damned thing about art, except what he goggled on his laptop and a blonde undercover agent who we have standing in as bait. The abandoned building he gave her the address to shows how sleazy this slime bag is and all we have to do is wait.

When Smith, comes down the road and goes into the warehouse the team moves in closer and surrounds the building. I am in team two. They won't let me be the first one in but I damn sure am going to be there when they take that fuck down. As I wait for the word to go in and kick the shit out of this fucker, the sounds of struggle reach us. He's here and attacking the agent. It goes against everything I am to stand by and let this happen, even if it is all under control. Shouts and screams are coming now and the word is given not seconds after the first scream.

I bust through the door and have the good fortune of running right into the asshole that scared my Tracie. His nose is bleeding and his shirt collar is ripped but the little weasel thought he was going to get out of the building without paying for any of his sins. As soon as I make eye contact with the scumbag I bring my gun down on his face. There's a very satisfying crack. Eugene Smith will never look the same again after he ran into me.

He goes down hard and blood is pouring through his hands which he threw up to protect his face from any more assaults. I kick him in the ribs and am even more satisfied as I feel several of them give under the weight of my foot. Before I can strike out at him again an agent has handcuffs on him and a hand is pulling me back.

"Think of Tracie and Roxy man. They need you not to do anything else and let the agents take care of it."

I want to tell Tom not to mention my sister's fucking name but I can't. He's right. I have to stop so that I can go home to my baby and let her know that she is safe and always will be when she's with me.

When I get home the first thing I do is find her. She's in the kitchen with Roxy waiting for me to let them know everything is ok. I listen to them laughing with one another. It warms my heart to hear Roxy laughing and carrying on with someone I am in love with.

As soon as they see me, both women jump up and start asking me a million questions. I relate to them how the evening went and how Smith had attacked the female undercover agent just like he had been trying to attack my sweet girl. The only thing that had saved her was her refusing to meet with the guy. I also told them about breaking his face with the butt of my gun. I left out the part about breaking five of his ribs because they didn't ask for details. I didn't want to tell them how close I was to almost losing control. I even told Roxy that Tom was safe and hadn't been hurt, although the idea of friendly fire was sounding better and better to me the longer I thought about it.

I made sure the security was set for the house and my sister was in and safe. Then, I took my lady's hand and ushered her up the stairs to the room we have been sharing for the past couple of days. We have things we need to talk about and I know I don't want to be interrupted while we discuss them. As soon as we get to the room I find I can't bring myself to ask if she is planning on staying now that she doesn't have a good reason to.

She shuts the door behind her and starts getting ready for bed.

"What's on your mind? You seem awfully distracted," I watch as she takes her shirt off and stands in front of me.

"Why do you think I have something on my mind?"

"Because any other time you would have already thrown me on the bed and finished undressing me yourself," she swallows and I wonder if she's just as nervous about staying or going as I am to have her stay.

Instead, I go for the other thing that has been weighing on me since all of this started.

"Is there a difference in Smith and me? I mean, I didn't rape you but did I push you?" She shocks me by throwing her head back and laughing.

I'm not sure how to take the laughing so I wait it out.

"You and Smith couldn't be further from the same people if you tried. You didn't force me to choose to be with you. I chose that, and you gave me what I always wanted but couldn't ask for. I want to be here with you, you can't say that you pushed me to want you. I could have said no and meant it at any time and you would have stopped. I'm certain of that, silly man."

"Yeah, but what's the difference between him having pictures of you on his wall and me having a big folder stuffed full of them of you? I'm still an obsessive jerk who hunted you down and I worry I didn't give you a choice in all of this."

She's still smiling at me when she says, "The difference is when he was done with one girl he moved on to the next girl who would serve to wallpaper his room while I better be the only girl you have a big folder on," she pulls away from me where I am hugging her and lays my head up against her belly. "I am the only one right."

I give her a thoroughly sarcastic look, "Uh, yeah. I do not care about anyone else. I don't want to know them on a personal level, a deeper level. You're the first girl I've been with since I started my business five years ago."

I swear I can almost feel her smile all the way down to her belly button. "Really?"

I stop talking and start showing her how much she means to me. This time when we make love it isn't fast or combustible. It's slow and unhurried. We spend the time after I've made her cum and she's drained me dry, just looking into each other's eyes and talking about the goals we want to conquer when we get back to the city.
