Page 17 of Lakeside Daddy

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"I still have the tracker on your phone," he tells me without a moment of hesitation or guilt.

"Oh," well, that's a good reason, "How did you get in?"

"Because my baby girl didn't lock the door when she came in, apparently, not that locking it would have stopped me from getting to you."

He runs the cool cloth against my forehead and even though I want to resist, I find myself leaning into him.

"I don't feel good, Reyn. Why don't you go home for the night and if I feel better in a couple of days I'll call you."

One side of his mouth quirks up in a half-assed smile and I want to slap him again like when we first meet, and that just brings on the sadness. I turn my head so he can't see me start to cry and try to push him away. He just scoops me up to take me to the bed and lays me down on the covers that I didn't even bother pulling down. He goes to rummage through something he brought with him. We are going to have to have this conversation now before I get more attached to him.

I should not feel my heart break so hard every time I think of him with someone else. If I don't distance myself from him now I might not be able to and then where will I be? I brace myself so that I can push into a sitting position but when I'm on my elbows Reyn turns around with what he was digging for in the bag. And I find myself right back on my back staring up at the white ceiling wondering what the hell is going on in my life that I can't seem to catch a break for the life of me.

"Come on, baby. Let's go," I shake my head and refuse to take his hand. He knows I saw what was in his hand but I don't have to admit to anything yet.

He hooks his hands under my arms and pulls me up and over until I'm sitting on his lap. The room rolls again but this time I find myself fighting even harder to make it go away. He ducks his head so he can look me in the eye.

"You didn't think I knew," how the hell does he know anything when I myself didn't know. "Baby, I could tell the minute you started holding my baby inside you."

"Shut up. You did not. No one can know for sure if they don't take the tests and have it confirmed by the doctor," I take the box of pregnancy tests in his hand and throw them across the room. "I’m not pregnant. I just have the flu or something."

He chuckles under me. "All right Miss. I'm-Not-Pregnant, then why when I lick that little pussy can I tell the flavor has changed?"

"Oh my God, you did not just say that to me right now."

"Baby, why do you think I've not been going at you so hard lately," he looks into my eyes and I can tell it's just a matter of seconds before my whole face crumbles back into the hot mess it's been all day long.

"I thought you wanted someone else," I sob.

His eyebrows go so high I can't tell if there even on his face anymore and for someone who shaves their head, that is a giant feat.

"What the hell? You thought I wasn't spanking this ass and sticking my dick in you so roughly because I wanted someone else? Baby, what part of me telling you over and over again that I'm going to put my kid in you and marry you didn't you understand?"

"People say things like that all the time during sex," I pause and then start to question myself. "Don't they?"

"I don't know, baby. I've only been in bed with you recently but I can tell you that everything I said to you is true. I do plan to put a ring on this finger and I think we can both agree I took care of the baby part of that deal."

"Speaking of rings," he juggles me on his lap as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring I made for Roxy. "You finished it for me, so now you can wear it to let everyone know you belong to me."

"What?" my mind is still too sluggish from the lack of food and the vomiting for him to be doing this to me.

"Well, I kept thinking about how I was going to get your ring and every time I researched a new designer, I swear I found them lacking so damned bad that I finally just gave in and asked you to make your own ring. I only want the best for you and you are the best."

"You made me design and fabricate my own engagement ring?"

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds kind of crazy, but yeah. I couldn't find someone who would love the metal and bend it to their will like you do or someone who is going to pick a stone based on how it sings from the velvet it's lying on. All that comes from you and I couldn't very well make the damned thing myself. Are you kidding? I can barely tell the difference between a topaz and an emerald, or whatever."

I snicker a little at how stupid the comparison is but it proves his point perfectly.

"I knew if I had your help designing it and told you it was for my sister's birthday you would make the most beautiful ring I could ever hope to give you. And I wasn't wrong. It’s pure magic and I can't wait to see it on you every day of our lives. Now let's go get your confirmation about the baby and tomorrow I have you scheduled to see the same doctor Vera goes to."

"What? How do you know who she goes to?"

"When I couldn't reach you after you text me I went to see her and told her what I suspected. I asked for her help setting the appointment up and she offered to come with us if you want her there."

Tears start to run down my cheeks again and I want to be mad but I can't. Him going to Vera and asking for help is the sweetest thing someone could do.

"I need to text her and let her know I'm ok."

"Later, baby, right now we take the test and get you something to eat then you let me eat this pussy until you cum and I slide into you and fill you full until you doze off. Then we'll talk about calling or texting anybody."
