Page 5 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 3


Thank God for battery powered boyfriends. If not for my toy I would probably be a raging bitch right about now. I can admit to myself that I have control issues, especially where men are concerned. My first lover was a guy who worked for my parents. I fell head over heels in love with him and he fell head over heels in love with what I could do for his career.

Giving him not just my body but my heart left a huge hole in me that I didn't think I would ever patch up. How I kept it from my two best friends, I don't know but I am so glad I did. I like to be the rock everyone comes to. I want to offer comfort and words of wisdom and you can't do that if everyone sees you fall the hell apart over some trust fund douche who would bang the first thing he saw in a skirt. The best thing that could have ever happened to me was walking in on him bending his assistant over the desk and telling her he was just using me for my connections.

Never the fuck again would a man use me for what I can do for his career. I make my own way and don't let anyone tell me what to do. So why is a picture of Reyn popping into my head? Why do I want this man to take me over so badly?

I've not even been out on one of my many dates since I've met him. I like going out and I love meeting new people; I may even like flirting a little bit. I like knowing I am in control of something and that no matter how hot I make them they won't be getting me. It's the danger I guess. One day my luck is going to run out and I’ll push someone too far. I'm not stupid; I'm not oblivious to the risks I run when I tease. One day someone is going to get hurt but I can't seem to stop myself. Until recently that is.

Ever since I met Reyn I can't seem to bring myself to casually flirt with anyone but him. Hell if the looks he gave me when I was making the cufflinks for him are any indication, he might be the one who turns dangerous on me. And yet I can't stop. I answer the phone when he calls and text him back. I go all bratty and give him as much attitude as I can muster when he's standing there glaring at me.

His texts are a lot better than the others that I have got recently. Sometimes calls too. Just hang-ups and weird things but it’s starting to rattle me a little. I can't seem to sleep well because of them. If I didn't make myself cum every night, I'm not sure that I would sleep at all. It's another reason I'm house sitting at the lake house hoping to fly under the radar for a couple of weeks at least.

I just need a break to clear my head and make sense of all the Reyn stuff going on. So far the guy hasn't been horrible if you count complete stalker mode normal. Not too long after I found out the guy had a tracker on my phone he tells me he bought the house next door, telling me by texting about keeping my curtains closed because anyone can look in at me.

That's not creepy at all. Given the fact, the last thing he said to me in person could be considered a threat. If I go missing, I'm pretty sure everyone involved is going to look at this guy. I think back on the last face to face meeting and it’s like I can still smell him in the room.

He wanted me to bring the last pair of cufflinks to his office. Well, he wanted me to come to his condo and I repeatedly told him no, so we settled on his office. The same pinch-faced little woman was sitting outside his doors and when I came to stand by her desk she pushed a button to buzz me in without a word. In fact, I'm not sure I've heard her say more than four or five sentences in all the months I've worked for Reyn, but I liked her anyway just because she reminded me of Vera.

I guess I was so busy showing off the beautiful copper and amber links I didn't give another thought to laying my phone down. Or the fact that one minute Reyn's go-to guy, Smiley; is there, gone, and there again. I spend a few minutes showing him the new additions and then stand back as he tries them on. He takes out a pair that I have designed for him and I feel pride run through me because one of the most powerful and influential men in business is wearing something I made by hand.

The warm happy feeling doesn't last long as he looks at me from under hooded eyes. His grey eyes seem to sparkle and snap with a fire I don't want to know if I put there. He gets up from his desk and comes to stand in front of me. I should stand so that he doesn't have such a big height advantage on me but I think my legs have turned to noodles. He takes my chin in his hand and tilts my face up more so that it almost looks like we are about to do something sexual.

My breath comes out of lips I didn't even know I parted and wonder if he is going to just pull his cock out here and now and demand that I suck it. He uses the pad of his thumb to trace my bottom lip.

"You do beautiful work. I want to keep you. Are you ready to be mine?"

"What?" his words make no sense to my sex-drenched mind.

"Don't deny that you want me as much as I want you. You haven't been with anyone in a long time and I know why. Just give in to this and let me have you. This can all be so easy."

I try to go back through all he's told me and all I can think about is how I haven't been with anyone in a long time and he knows, but how? "I don't understand."

"You close yourself off and hide behind your rocks and metals, but I see you for what you really are, Tracie," suddenly this romantic comedy that was supposed to be my life is turning into something dark and ominous and the guy in front of me is starting to sound like a Disney villain. "You play around with boys and lead them on, but what you really need is a man. Someone who won't allow you to tease and torment him."

He leans down so his mouth is right by my ear, "I promise you I won't let your bratty ass go a day without my dick inside you, teaching you what a real man can do with the right woman."

Whatever spell he had over me is broken and I find myself up and backing away from him. "No," I look for something else to say. "Just no."

He doesn't chase me around the room or make another advance. He just casually leans his hip up against his desk and looks at me with those cold grey eyes of his.

"Our business here is done. I was never on the table to be bought or...used or whatever so get that out of your head. I'm not going out on a date with you, I'm damn sure not going to bed with you and I'm not sure I'm even ok being in the same room as you by myself."

His mouth kicks up at the side in a lopsided smirk.

"Oh, Tracie. I have your beautiful artwork, now I will have you. You’ll just have to get used to that being the way it is, sweetheart."

I had let some of my guard down with him over the past weeks. I was used to the texts asking me if I was eating like I should or getting enough rest. Asking me what I thought about certain materials and even picking out his ties for him. Even though he was frustrating and demanding I felt like I did my best work for him. The pieces I created were bold, strong, and handsome.

"No. How do you know so much about me and my private life?"

He walks to the other side of the desk and opens a drawer and takes out a folder that is much thicker than the one I had seen before. When he throws it on top of the desk I see my name written on it.

"I know everything about you, sweetheart. Getting inside and seeing what I can find is just another aspect of my job. I know you've only ever had one lover and that even now you aren't on birth control so if I come inside that eager little pussy there's nothing stopping me from getting you pregnant."

I can't stop my hand from flying out to land yet another slap on his face. I'm so mad and so turned on and so scared that this man will see me for who I really am that I can't open his door fast enough. It doesn't help that I am shaking from all the things he's told me and that I slapped someone yet again.
