Page 9 of Lakeside Daddy

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"I'm twenty-two." I hold my breath waiting for her to tell me her answer. If that's true Reyn is way older than me too.

"Oh no, I'm not that old," I breathe a sigh of relief that Reyn isn't 'that old' too. "I'm only nineteen."

That is probably 'that old'. I never looked him up and once I ran his background to make sure he wasn't a serial killer I didn't go any farther. I know from experience being around Ed that the media can make some crazy things up about you if they want to. I also have clients who are celebrities. I don't go digging too far in people's private lives if I can help it.

"I've been away at school but when I found out that Reyn had bought a house for some girl I rushed over to find out what was going on. He's never been that serious about a woman before," before I could answer Reyn was coming back through the door.

His eyes were narrowed and he was coming right at me. He pulls me up with a hand wrapped around my wrist. I can't tell if he's pissed at me for interrupting his family time with his sister or if he's mad about the situation.

"Where did you get this?" He shakes the picture at me.

"It was stuck to the door. Someone knocked and when I answered, it was taped to the front," I think something moves across the icy gray as he looks at me but I am having a hard time meeting his eyes.

"And you left the house? You went outside when something like this was taped to your fucking door?" as he goes on his voice rises until he's shouting at me. I can't take being yelled at, with his sister sitting there watching all of this drama unfolding right in front of her.

"You need to stop yelling at me. I can do whatever the hell I want to do," I sound stupid and childish, given that someone just threatened to hurt me, but I can't seem to be a responsible adult when he's in the room.

His eyes narrow some more and I have a moment to worry if he's going to lose his cool with me completely and totally, right here in front of his sister. I start to wonder if he really is going to spank me. God, that should not make me as wet as it just did thinking about it.

"You need someone to take you over their knee and spank you for being so reckless with your own safety," it's like he read my mind and God do I hope he doesn't know about how turned on I have become, thinking about him with his hand on my ass showing me who's in charge.

"You need a Daddy," he points his finger at me and pulls me close.

"I don't need a father. I have one," I push myself up so that I am chest to chest with him. He needs to understand I'm not going to take his shit.

"I didn't say a father, I said a Daddy. Someone who takes care of you and spanks your ass when you need it. Lucky for you, Tracie, I am just the man for the job."

I gasp because I've read books about what he's talking about. Hot, dirty books. My face burst into a blush as I realize his little sister is sitting here in the same room listening to her brother speak about being in control of me. I turn to look at her but his big hand encircles my neck and makes it so all I can move is my eyes, which are now firmly on him.

"This shit," he holds up the picture, "this shit doesn't happen to my little girl and someone not die from it. When I find out who sent this I'm going to tear them apart with my bare god damn hands."

He pulls me even closer to him so that his breath is on my face and his hands are on my wrist and around my neck. "Until then your mine. You don't go anywhere without me saying so. You don't make a decision without asking me first. And, Tracie," he looks at me so I can tell how serious he is about this, "You don't sleep, eat, or get off without me being right beside you. If not in you."

A small part of me is just glad he whispered low enough that I think his sister isn't listening to him, while another part of me, a really messed up part, was soaking my panties. I may also be wondering if he could give me a brief demonstration of what he meant by wanting to be my daddy. I’m going to have to rethink everything I thought I knew about myself. All while staying safe from the sick pervert who took a picture of me while I was sleeping and wrote about how much he wanted to listen to me scream when he cuts on me.

Reyn put his mouth so close his lips move on mine when he talked, "I'm going to tell you right now baby, until this guy is taken care of you don't fight me on this. You don't act out or show how bratty you can be. I'll keep you safe. You don't try to run from me while this guy is out there," he moves his lips to my ear, "You belong to me and I'll make whoever did this wish to God they were dead but I'm going to make your little pussy purr in the meantime and when I get all up inside you and leave my mark on you, no one is ever going to fuck with what’s mine again. Are we clear baby? You understand."

I nod my head. Reyn almost seems more animal than man now and it should scare the hell out of me, but all I can do is shift my legs to try to relieve some of the tension that is settling in my groin.

"Roxy, give us a minute and call the police and tell them to bring their asses out here so we can report this to them. Thanks, darlin'."

She gets up and leaves, closing the door to the living room behind her. I can't take my eyes off Reyn though. The shirt I have on is rubbing my nipples raw; they seem to have become so sensitive and achy. I can actually feel my areolas shrink up my nipples are so hard.

"You come out of your fucking house wearing next to nothing when someone out there wants you as bad as I do. You aren't even wearing a fucking bra and I can see right through your shirt. Stupid son of a bitch thinks he can look at what's mine and I won't hunt him down and break his fucking neck for it, but first I got to make sure you understand. I got to make sure you know your mine. I got to put my mark all over you so no one else thinks they have a fucking chance."

He still has me by the throat and when he spins me around and throws me across the arm of the couch I don't fight him at all. I'm so wet it's running down my legs. He uses his free hand to pull my shirt up over my back and then tearing sounds echo through the room. Cool air on my ass and pussy lets me know he's ripped my panties off of me. I hear his zipper as he pulls it down but I can't turn my head to look at him because he still has me by the neck.

"You’re gonna go upstairs when I'm done and find one of the longest shirts I have and you’re gonna put it on," I gasp as he pushes himself in between my legs splitting my wet lips apart so that his dick rides right up against my clit with every thrust. Then he smacks my ass and I feel everything in me go still. I'm hot and cold and can't seem to get enough air.

"So when the cops come they can't tell what fucking color your nipples are, or that I just fucked you and made you cum so hard," he brings his hand down on my ass again and I start to tense up.

I've never came so fast in my life. I look down to see his cock push through my folds and nearly have a stroke. The thing is like a third arm. But before I can think too much about that he smacks my ass again and thrusts forward with the fat head of his cock hitting and rubbing my clit just right and I can't stop myself from crying out and my body from clinching up on what I hope will be deep inside me. I literally feel my pussy squeezing and throbbing through the most intense orgasm I've ever had. I didn't think it was possible to feel yourself convulsing but it is.

"You're going to come down with my cum between your legs and my shirt on your body and you're going to be a good girl, aren't you?" I try to nod my head so he knows but it’s not enough for him. "Give me your words, little girl. Tell me 'yes Daddy' and I'll let you cum again."

I tense up again. It feels so dirty and naughty to call him Daddy when his cock is thrusting between my legs and his hand is wrapped around my throat. I open my mouth just to test out the words but when they come out his hand goes to my nipple and he twists and turns it just the way I like it when I make myself cum. It’s too much for my body and my pussy starts to convulse again as my back arches and I hear myself scream.

"Yes, yes Daddy. Please, Daddy."

I look down watching long white ropes of cum shoot out of his cock but he doesn't stop, smearing his come all over my clit and pussy. It even splashes down my legs and my body is rocked by tiny baby orgasms just watching.
