Page 13 of Always

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I let her go and take a step backwards. I had taken us to shallower waters while the two of us floated together. A hurt look comes across her face and I can't stand it. "I want it all. Will you give me all of it?"

The hurt look disappears and is replaced with a perplexed expression that is too damn cute. "I...I don't understand what you mean?"

"You will. Just remember that I told you what was going to happen. You can't ever look back and say I didn't warn you."

She still looks like she doesn't understand. She doesn't realize that when I take her it's going to be forever because I couldn't live without her. I wouldn't want to be alive if she wasn't the center of my universe. She takes a step backwards at my intense look and realizes she's come up on the ledge that runs the full length of one side of the pool.

It's where I wanted her. It's why I took us here. She stops and normally would turn and use the steps but I pick her up and sit her on the tiled edge. I know where it's the shallowest because I've been in this pool enough times I could swim it with my eyes closed. I help her lie back and see her eyes cloud over with want. Her soft breasts bared to the breeze of the night and my sight.

I slowly slide her bottoms off, taking my time pulling them down her long legs. She might be a short little thing but she has legs that were made to wrap around my hips. Once she's bare to me I can't hold back the grunt that leaves my body. God damn is her body beautiful but what's even more beautiful is the trust she's placing in me, how soft and sweet she is, how innocent and kind. I meant what I said when I told her I want it all.

Her pussy is bare. I realize she had to do this while she was in the tub while I made us dinner. Did she do this for me? I reach out and touch the softest thing I have ever felt. She gasps in a breath as I grunt one out. Her legs come up so that her feet are firmly on the tiles, her legs spread open for me just a little. Not enough.

"Let me see what belongs to me, Ariel. Show me if you want it." She only gives me a little whimper before she's moving her thighs open more. She still doesn't spread them as far as I would have but she'll get over that quick enough. One day she'll open her legs for me wide enough that I can fit my hips in between perfectly. I sink down into the water so that I can come up putting her legs on my shoulders before she can stop me.

I work myself further up spreading her legs naturally to allow my big shoulders room. She lets out a cute little sound of shock when she realizes what I'm doing. Her hands go to my shoulders first and then up to my hair. I rub my beard along her tender inner thigh and delight in the fact that she jumps from the contact.

I lean in and drag a huge breath into my aching lungs so that I can smell her along with the scent of the pool and paradise behind us. I kiss where her legs meet with her body and work my way in until I finally allow myself to probe her open with my tongue. The first taste of her has me addicted. I'm going to need this on a daily basis to stay sane and not kill anybody. I'm pretty sure I could find some government official to make that a rule or law somewhere.

If I thought she jumped at the touch of my beard to her inner thigh the touch of my tongue makes her hips leave the tile under her. She cries out and tries to shove herself back from me. "Do you want me to stop, baby? Not go any further?"

I'll stop for her if she's not ready. It's convenient that there is a bunch of water here so I can half-drown myself to let her go but I would if that is what she wanted me to do. She shakes her head and that worry that I hate seeing in her eyes comes back. "No, no. I don't want you to stop. You just surprised me. It...the feeling surprised me. I want you... to keep going."

I mumble an okay against her pussy before I tease my tongue inside again but I don't think she hears me. I don't think she's listening to me since her head is thrown back and her hips are dancing around and she seems like she might already be on the verge of a climax. My hunch is proven correct when her thighs start shaking in my grasp and I have to throw my arm over her hips to hold her still.

"Oh my God." She seems in awe. "Oh my God, August."

I never liked my name before it trembled out of her mouth but now it's the only thing I want to hear. I spread her lips apart wider so that I can lay my mouth on the heart of her desire and suck and lick her into oblivion. Her body starts shaking and her grip on my hair tightens as I work her body up to release. She starts saying my name faster and faster until she's gasping out Auggie with every breath she takes.

She screams it out right before her body seizes around my face and the tiny muscles around her pussy kiss and hug me. Her back is arched out of the water thrusting her breasts up to the night air. She's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Eating her is like a religious experience, fucking her will be like having a near-death experience for me. I'll never be the same.
