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Chapter Nine



I don't know how I ended up here but here I am sitting in Mrs. Dresden's...Lynda's living room after spending the day with her and Tinsley. Tinsley is funny as fuck and she gets my dry wit better than anyone before. Both of us are going to college so we have that to talk about too. And Lynda is too sweet.

They took me shopping today. I tried to get them not to but they insisted that I needed something other than Rayne's boxers and shirts to wear. I've never been on shopping sprees with my mother or anyone else for that matter so it was something new for me. After we went to like ten different stores they took me back to their home and we had a late lunch. Then I got to sit with Lynda and look at baby pictures of Rayne for the rest of the day.

It's getting late when Rayne finally showed up. I'm wearing one of the new dresses Tinsley talked me into. It's cute and summery with tiny straps that crisscross in the back.

"You're beautiful," is the first thing out of his mouth. My cheeks warm with a blush but I can't fight the smile his words cause.

"Thank you."

"Thank you." He repeats my words back to me.

"For what?"

He pauses for a long time and I start to worry he isn't going to tell me when finally he pulls me to him, "Coming home with me."

It would seem Rayne knows exactly how to knock me speechless while at the same time making me forget there are other people in the room. It takes his mom clearing her throat for either of us to look away from one another.

Rayne spends some time visiting with his mom and sister and listening to us talk about our day before he stands and reaches for my hand. "I have a surprise for you back home."

His use of the word home hits me harder than it should. I realize he doesn't mean it the way I take it. He just means his home but he said it like it was our home. I shut that thought down fast. I can't allow myself to fall into the fairy tale of Rayne being anything but a good friend - even if he is calling us boyfriend and girlfriend. I've already thought about why he would do that and it makes complete sense to do it with his mom around just so he doesn't have to explain everything in gory detail to her. Him having a girlfriend that he’s helping out is a lot easier to explain than him having a text message friend who saw his dick and now stays in his house because hers burnt down.

For the next little while, as Rayne drives us home, all I can think about is talking myself down from giving in to this dream I woke up in. Girls like me don't have what Rayne is pretending to offer. As soon as I walk into his house all of that leaves my mind as I spot my stuffed rabbit sitting on his couch. I let out a squeal before I can stop myself and run for the couch.


"Some of the guys found it and I put a rush on getting it cleaned for you." He comes closer and puts something on my face. He comes into clearer focus and I realize he also found my glasses. "Why didn't you tell me you needed your glasses?"

I look away from him embarrassed that he even found out I could barely see what was in front of me. "I just didn't want you to have to put yourself out any more than you already have for me. I mean, you saved my life, gave me a place to stay, asking more seemed kind of stingy."

He takes my face in his hands so I have no choice but to look at him, "Not again. If you need something you tell me. That's my job - taking care of you. Understand?"

I nod even though I'm not sure I do understand what he's saying. I've never had someone take care of me before. I've pretty much been on my own since I can remember.

"Have dinner with me?"

His question takes me by surprise. I assumed we were going to have dinner together. Maybe I shouldn't assume anymore. "Tonight?"

"Tonight, tomorrow...," He seems like he wants to say more but doesn't.


For the next few hours, we make dinner together and talk. I'm really shocked by how easy it is to talk to Rayne. Hardly any of the anxiety I usually feel when talking to someone else is there. After we wash the dishes together he takes my hand and leads me into his living room.

"Want to watch something on tv?" I nod and we haggle over what we're watching until both of us settle on old CSI episodes. We start out sitting side by side but over time both of us get more comfortable and I end up lying back with my feet in his lap. It's kind of the perfect night. I'm too shy and anxious to go out to clubs or be comfortable around a lot of other people so being in with someone I like is just about perfect.

I fall asleep at some point lulled into a sense of comfort and safety by his warmth beside of me. The next thing I know I'm waking up as he lifts me in his arms to move me to the bedroom. I snuggle into his warmth and don't think twice about putting my arms around his neck. He carries me into the room and lays me down on the bed but when he goes to stand up I don't let him go.

"Stay." I'm not sure if he heard me or not. I said it really softly.

"I don't think that's going to be a good idea, baby." He takes my wrists in his hands and straightens up. A feeling of disappointment hits me so hard I can't keep it off my face. But Rayne doesn't walk away from me. He doesn't back up or leave. Instead, he just looks at me for a couple of seconds like he's trying to figure out something in his head.

Finally, I hear him, "Damn it, you know I can't tell you no, Bunny."

I watch sleepily as he reaches behind him and pulls his shirt off over his head one-handed. I indulge in a little smile as he slides in the bed next to me and takes me in his arms. It feels pretty damn good to have someone give in to me. I could totally get used to this.
