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Epilogue I



Two Months Later:

Lynda and I are working in the kitchen together making deviled eggs for the cookout we're about to have. We go over to Rayne's parents' house at least once a week to have dinner with them and with the weather being so pretty and warm we all agreed on a cookout tonight.

"So, do you think she'll bring him again?" I ask with a sly smile across my lips.

"I don't know but I invited him just in case she didn't." Both of us laugh. We've been trying to set Tinsley and Gray up for weeks now. "I swear I'm about ready to lock them in the basement if something doesn't happen soon."

I giggle. She'll do it too. Lynda isn't messing around when she says she's going for a double wedding with both of her kids married and happy. I reach for another egg and feel the room start to spin. The smell of egg and mayonnaise wafts up to me and causes my stomach to roll like it never has before.

"Oh my God!"

I take off running for the little bathroom under the stairs. I barely make it in time before my stomach is evacuating everything I had for lunch. I never realized how much chocolate I eat but I know now. My legs are too weak to hold me up any longer so I allow myself to sink down to the cold bathroom floor.

A small sound behind me has me finally looking up at Lynda standing in the doorway. "Oh my goodness, are you alright?"

There's the sound of running in the hall just before Rayne is rushing into the room to scoop me up off the floor.

"Cami, baby, are you alright? Tell me what happened? Did you eat something bad? Are you feeling feverish?"

"Calm down, Rayne. Good grief, I forgot how over-reactive you Dresden men can be."

"Mom, she just puked! Something is wrong!"

"Nothing is wrong, Rayne. She's not sick, she didn't eat anything bad but I do suspect you gave her something that caused her to vomit."

Rayne goes white as a sheet at his mother's words. "I did this."

"Well, both of you had to be there. I mean it isn't just you, dear. I'm pretty sure I taught you this when you were thirteen."

It dawns on me what she might be saying but clearly Rayne isn't catching on. I reach out for Rayne who has laid me down on the couch in the living room. "Rayne, I think you're mom is trying to say she thinks we might be pregnant."

"With a baby?"

Both me and his mom give him a cocked eyebrow that clearly says what the fuck else would it be with. This time he's a little swifter and gets the hint.

"No, I mean...that's not what I meant. Of course it's a baby. I just...oh wow!"

He sits down next to me. I push myself up and even though I feel the room move again I fight through it. "Are you going to be alright? Are you happy?"

My heart is pounding so hard I can barely hear what he's saying. What if he isn't happy about having a baby so quickly with me? We aren't even married yet? He might be thinking about the stress this will cause trying to get married at the same time we're planning for a baby? All of this might be too much for him.

"Hell yes, I'm happy. I'm tickled shitless! I, I'm going to be a daddy."

I don't realize Lynda left until she pops back into the room with a small white and pink box in her hand. "Let's make sure - well as sure as we can be."

I take the box and go into the bathroom. Rayne tries to follow me but I make him wait outside the door until I'm through. Then we wait. By now Tinsley and Gray are here and waiting with Rayne's mom and dad outside of the bathroom to hear what the test says.

"It doesn't matter what this test says. You know that right. I love you and I plan to marry you and make you mine for the rest of our lives." His words make me smile and I turn to hug him close to me.

"Silly man, I'm already yours but I plan to marry you too."

The timer on my phone goes off and both of us turn to look without really letting each other go. Two lines. Two pink lines.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! It's...we're...!"

Rayne lets out a whoop and spins me around even though the space is tight with both of us being in there. We hear the echoing shouts from outside the door and can tell they heard us celebrating in the bathroom.

"I didn't think I could love you any more than I already do but I was wrong." He brings his mouth down on mine and gives me a deep kiss. I moan into his mouth, thankful that Lynda keeps backup toothbrushes under the cabinet in the bathroom. "We should go home. We can come back tomorrow."

"You know your mom isn't going to let us go without celebrating with her."

"Then you're going to have to be quiet. Really, really, really quiet."

I would say I did a fairly good job but I think everyone knew what Rayne was doing to me in that tiny downstairs bathroom as we celebrate in our own way.
