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I’d done a little research on Leo after he started dating Hannah, and didn’t find much other than he worked for the Cordova Group in security, and had been in different news articles from time to time about this business deal or that.

Hannah had invited me to come over and visit with her while she stayed with Leo, but out of stupid jealousy, I hadn’t gone. Hannah and I had always been inseparable, and I’d really missed spending time with her. My older sister Brittney was a flat out raving bitch, and my younger sister Winter was just a baby, so growing up Hannah was my sister by another mister. I loved her like she was my twin. After constantly having her around, watching her fall in love and starting to drift out of my life had been painful.

Logically, I knew I was being stupid and clingy—something I always accused Hannah of being, so I’d sucked up my negative feelings around her and tried to be as positive as I could. It wasn’t her fault I didn’t have much luck in the relationship department. But I hadn’t been able to put aside my petty feelings and force myself to come visit her at Leo’s place, something I now deeply regretted. Life was too short for that bullshit, and when I saw Hannah again, I promised myself I’d be nothing but supportive about her and Leo’s relationship. Lord knows, he’d saved our lives last night.

My temple throbbed with my increasing heartbeat, bringing me out of my dark thoughts and back to the present and my lovely new bedroom. The bruises on my torso ached and I tried to distract myself from my physical discomfort, reaching out to grab the card hidden among the white blooms. Once again, I held it to my nose, inhaling the light scent of the jasmine flowers it had been touching, then opened it. The paper was pale cream, and the scrawled note inside done in pure black ink. Reading it at once infuriated and calmed me, a strange reaction to a man I was pretty sure I despised, but wanted to fuck with a desperate need that scared me.


I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to give these to you myself, but there was an emergency at work I had to attend to. I’ve taken the liberty of having my personal shopper supplement your wardrobe, and had your old clothes placed in a storage locker along with your furniture. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you tonight, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. Sleep tight, sweetheart, and make sure you dream about me.


I should shred the card, flush it down the toilet and toss the flowers in the garbage, but so far I couldn’t even bring myself to stop looking at them. That man drove me crazy. If I had a polar opposite, it would be Ramón. He was a sexist dick who seemed to get off on ordering me around, kissing me without permission, and being an assuming asshole. Arrogant man, with his shoulder length black as night hair, his glowing tanned skin, his dangerous hazel brown eyes, and his firm, sinful mouth. Not to mention his body. He wasn’t super ripped, but his muscles were huge. I’d loved the feeling of them moving beneath my hands while we made out like a couple of horny teenagers. My heart sped up as I relived the possessive kiss he’d given me, the way he’d cushioned my body so I didn’t get hurt when he manhandled me against the beam in the backyard.

Heat flickered from the pit of my stomach and flowed outwards, dampening my already wet panties.

The man was unfairly potent and hot.

My lips tingled, and I rubbed the card against them. There had to be something wrong with me that I found his domineering attitude arousing. Strong women didn’t allow a man to sweep them off their feet and kiss them senseless. Yeah, it was fun to read about, but that was fantasy. I’ve had more than enough experience with pushy assholes in the real world. Finding a man, who’d at one point assumed I was a whore, desirable was plain humiliating. Yet, the attraction was undeniable. I once again cursed chemistry. It was just hormones, an unconscious reaction to someone my body knew would be a good mate. I bet that man could pound me through the mattress. And, God, his lips…his taste. I’ve never been so thoroughly kissed in my life.

My pussy started to pulse softly and I groaned, gently putting the card next to the bed before pulling the pillow next to me over my face.

All my life I’ve had to work for my arousal, struggle to have an orgasm with my chosen bed partners, but with that d-bag Ramón, I’d gone up like a nuclear bomb of lust had exploded in my panties.
