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“I wouldn’t call it a spark, but she definitely put me off my game.”

“That makes sense. There was definitely attraction there, the first night I met him, but I think that’s all it was.”

“I wouldn’t stress out about it too much and if he takes it the wrong way, then it really wasn’t meant to be.”

“Thanks, Chris.”

“No problem, cuz.”

As I turn to look out the front windows I see Vance’s truck pull up and my stomach sinks. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news. I feel like I’m going to vomit.

I walk out of the building and wave to him as he gets out of his truck.

“Hey, Lily,” he says.

“Hi,” I reply with a little wave.

He walks up to me and places a kiss on my cheek.

Still nothing.

“Um, can we talk?” I ask him. My voice coming across small.

“Of course. Do you wanna walk and talk?”

“Yeah, that might be easier.”

We start down the trail and I muster up all the courage I have.

“Yesterday was a lot of fun and I really appreciate you for taking me.”

“Oh no,” he says

I look up to him while chewing on the side of my cheek.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Go on.”

“The kiss. I just, it was,” I take a deep breath. “I didn’t feel anything.”

Vance put his hand to his heart and pushed one shoulder back, acting as if he got hit.

“I’m so sorry. I think you’re a great guy though and we did have fun. I think we would just make better friends.”

He stops walking then turns towards me as I do the same. He takes my hands in his and kisses them softly.

“It’s really okay. If this isn’t something romantic, then I am glad we can still be friends.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” I let out a little giggle.

He lets go of my hands. “Can we still go on the walk?” he asks.

“Absolutely.” I smile, a weight lifted from my chest.

We continue on our walk making small talk. It’s natural for us. I also point out every bird, animal and bug we see.

“You really know a lot about nature,” Vance says.
