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Tears stream down my face as I get up and follow my brother-in-law back to my sister’s room.

My sister is sitting slightly up with a pink bundle in her arms. She spots me and smiles before looking back down at her baby.

“Aunt Lily, come meet your niece, Felicity.”

I walk over to my sister and lean in next to her. She moves the blanket back slightly and I see the sweetest face. It’s insta love. She starts to hand her to me and I’m hesitant, I’ve never held a baby.

“Support her head in the crook of your elbow and use your hand to hold her body. It’s ok, you won’t break her.”

I do like my sister tells me and hold my niece. I sway back and forth as I admire this amazing human my sister has brought into the world.

“I’m going to take you on so many adventures, Felicity. I’ll be the best Aunt.” I hold back my tears as I watch her little face.

“Okay, I want her back,” my sister says. We both laugh as I slide my niece back into my sister’s arms.

“I’m going to go. Let me know if you need anything at all, okay?” I tell my sister. She grabs my hand and tells me she loves me before I go.

I leave the hospital as happy as can be. I’m ready to be the best Aunt.

Chapter Eight


Therestoftheweekend consisted of making lots and lots of pet cookies and a few dozen bandanas. Checking up on my sister and the baby every few hours, and cleaning my place.

Vance called me once to see how everything went with the birth, and I couldn’t help but be completely giddy as I told him all about my niece. Not that there was much to tell, but still.

I leave the next morning with enough time to drop stuff off at the shop and then head to the vet’s office. They aren’t open yet but usually Dr. Madris is here.

When I pull up, it’s not her little black BMW that I see, it’s a big tan truck. I peek over at the sign and see that it has indeed changed. I now says Dr. Walker. I hope she’s as nice as Dr. Madris was.

I try the handle but it’s locked. She probably doesn’t even realize I usually show up at this time. I knock a few times and look through the parts of the glass that aren’t frosted so I can see her before she sees me.

But who I see walking towards the door is not a female...No. This person is tall, with broad shoulders and short, dark brown hair. He opens the door and my eyes travel from the black button-up shirt across his chest, to the stethoscope around his neck then to his gorgeous smile.

“Hi there. We aren’t open yet, is there an emergency?” he says.

“Oh umm, no. I’m Lily. I supply your office with pet cookies and bandanas.”

“Oh right. Dr. Madris did mention something about that.”

He wipes his hand down his chest and my eyes follow. Then he takes a step back, giving me room to come in with the box in my hand.

“I’m not really sure where any of it goes. This is my first week here. I’m still learning the ins and outs,” he tells me.

“Are you the new owner?” I ask him, while I set the box on one of the chairs in the waiting area.

“I am.”

I turn around and put my hand out.

“I’m Lily,” I tell him.

He takes my hand and grins.

“Yes, you told me that. My name is Ethan. Or Dr. Walker.”

His hand makes mine feel tiny and the warmth from it travels up my arm.
