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“It’s nice to meet you,” I say.

We both let go and I turn back around and grab the box.

“It’s nice to meet you, too. Do you deliver this stuff often?”

“Yes,” I reply as I grab the stack of bandanas. “I come by every Monday morning to replenish.”

“Oh ok. So then you must work around here then?”

I take the container of cookies and go to the basket that sits at the front desk.

“I own the pet store up the road.”

“I drove by there the other day. I’ll have to stop in and check it out.”

I glance back at him, and the flawless smile is still there. His hands hold onto either end of the stethoscope.

I fill the basket with cookies. Arranging them so that the cat ones are on one side and the dog ones on the other.

“Do you have any pets?” I ask him.

“Yeah, um. I have two German Sheppard’s, and I’m about to have five chickens.”

I pause then turn slowly around as I set the last cookie in the basket.

“Chickens?” I ask.

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted some, but I have also always lived inside city limits as an adult, and they weren’t allowed. When I decided to buy the practice, I bought a house outside of town.”

“Oh, gotcha.”

“Do you have any pets? I imagine so with the store and all.”

“I don’t actually. I rent right now, and they don’t allow pets. Someday though.”

I pass by him to put the container in the box and get a whiff of his cologne. A manly scent with a hint of vanilla.

“Well, I should be going. Um, I’ll see ya again next Monday,” I say to him while I pick up the box.

“Yeah, this time I’ll know to leave the door unlocked for ya.”


He goes to open the door and I glance up at him as I walk over. His hazel eyes are surrounded by small laugh lines and his hair peppered with gray.

Right as I turn my head back to leave, I slam into the door frame. It knocks me back and I feel his hand at my lower back.

“Are you, okay?” he asks.

His face is level with mine now and I can see specks of gold and blue in his eyes.

“Uh, yeah. The box blocked my collision,” I reply as I take a step towards the door again, this time watching where I am going.

I feel his hand slowly slide away from my back, but his fingertips linger for a couple seconds before I am finally outside.

“Bye, Dr. Walker,” I say with a small wave.

“Ethan, please, call me Ethan.”
