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She grunts, balling her fists at her side. “You know what I mean.”

“I don’t, sorry,” I say to her, then crack a small smile.Is she...jealous?

“I watched you go in there. It only takes a few minutes to drop the stuff off. You have never stayed for that long.”

“What exactly are you insinuating, Alexis?” I ask, as I cross my arms, my tone curt.

She crosses her arms again then turns her head with the huff. “Your skirt was backwards and now you’re wearing something different.”

My heart palpitates. I push my shoulders back and puff up my chest a little.

“If you have a problem with what I do during my personal time, then you really need a life. And if you must know the truth, which obviously you do, I drank my coffee before I left this morning because I woke up early. I usually drink it once I get to work. And I had to use the restroom. The front of my skirt caught on my hand when I went to wipe. The side hem of my dress got into poop water. So forgive me for turning it so it didn’t stick to my leg, while I tried to figure out a way to leave there without Dr. Walker noticing that I smell like shit!”

I take a deep breath, bow my head and shake it slowly as if in shame. When I glance up, I see that Alexis’s eyes are the size of saucers. I hold back a smile before lifting my head completely.

“I... I’m so sorry, Lily. I thought you were.. umm.”

“What, Alexis? You thought I was what? Fucking the doctor?”

Her face screws and she looks ashamed. As she should. What I do and what Ethan does is none of her business.

“Yeah. I did, actually.”

“Honestly Lily, Even if I was in the veterinarian building? There’s dog hair everywhere.”

That makes her laugh a little while also bringing a small smile to her face.

“True,” she says, as she looks around. “I should be going.”

“Yeah, maybe you should be.”

She turns to walk away, and I let my shoulders relax.

“I’m glad, you know,” she says, as she puts her hand on the doorknob.

“Glad about what?”

She lets out a single chuckle before turning her head slightly to look at me.

“You may not like dog hair, but I don’t mind. So, I’m glad to know you aren’t fucking him.” She gives me a sly grin then walks out.


Chapter Twenty


Mostofmymorningwas spent vaccinating cats. I love cats, but their danger mittens get me every time. So I try to have them scheduled all together if I can manage it. There was one Norwegian Forest today though, he was super sweet. He walked right out of his crate and rubbed his nose on my forearm. They are pretty cool cats, super fluffy, really big but super sweet.

“Dr. Walker?” I hear Alexis say from my open door.

I lift my face from the email I was reading and when my eyes land on her, I quickly look down at the rest of my lunch. She still has her scrub pants on, but her shirt is a very tight tank top, and from the glance I got of her perky breasts, she isn’t wearing a bar. I stab some of the casserole, mixing it around the dish.

“What can I help you with, Alexis?” I take a bite then slowly wipe my mouth. I can see her move into my office from the corner of my eye.

“I was just wondering, if you don’t mind, could I maybe take a little longer lunch?”

Her hands land on the back of the chair that sits in front of my desk. I look up, because I don’t want to be rude, and she is leaning forward, her breasts pushed together between her arms. My eyes travel quickly to hers, not wanting to linger.
