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“She came to the door in a very small tank top, leaving not much to the imagination. Then proceeded to lean against the back of the chair and ask me if she could have extra lunch time to go to the gym...cause she will need to shower afterwards.”

“That honestly doesn’t surprise me.”


“Yup, cause as she was leaving, she looked back at me and told me she was glad to know that we weren’t fucking.”

I rub my hand down my face. I guess the talk I was planning on having with her will have to happen a lot sooner.

“I want you to know, I have zero interest in her. She’s my employee and honestly, not my type.”

“You don’t like young blondes?”

“I much prefer brunettes.”

I hear a small giggle from her, and it makes me smile.

“What are we going to do about Alexis?” she asks.

“I had planned to have a conversation with her about the behavior this afternoon, but after hearing that, I may have to let her go. What she did was highly unprofessional.”

“I agree it was unprofessional, but is firing her the answer?”

“I had planned on telling her she would have another chance, so to speak, but after what she did to you, I’m not sure I’ll be able to communicate effectively with her.”

“You’re the boss. You know what’s best.”

“I wonder about that sometimes, but this time, I think it’s the right thing to do. I’ll give her two weeks to find something new.”

“That seems fair.”

“Alright, beautiful. I have to get back to work. I have a few surgeries I need to prepare for.”

“Okay, boss man.”

“Mmm, you save that name for the bedroom,” I say, making her giggle again. “Talk to you later?”

“Of course.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Ethanhasbeenextremelybusy all week and so have I. I decided to revamp the store, give it a little more of a pet friendly vibe. The coffee area is a little bigger now, with dog beds and water bowls. and I have baskets of toys around the story that can be played with and taken home. We had a lot of success during the cat adoption, and the store has had steady customers since.

And tomorrow is my first official date with Ethan. I am nervous, but really excited to show him one of my favorite places to eat. I tried taking my friend there once, she choked on the boba balls. I will never let her live that down. I giggle a little thinking about it, and all the testicle jokes that came after. The bell above the door chimes and it catches me off guard because we close in ten minutes.

I look to the door and see Arthur letting go of his dad’s hand and running towards me. I put my hands on my knees and bend to his level.

“Hey Arthur, what brings you in today?” I ask him, as he skids to a halt in front of me.

“We are on our way to pick up the kitten, but we are still a little early. So Dad said we could stop by and I can get him a few more things.”

“How exciting! Do you have a name picked out for him?”

“I’m debating between Thor and Hulk. I like them both, but I’m just not sure. Which would you pick?”

“Well, I happen to like Thor just a little more.”
