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“What? I do.”

Shane laughed. “Proceed. Give us your thoughts.”

Dean flipped him off but continued, “It’s just like Jillian. We make better mates because we all work together for her good, right?”

Nods all around.

“Are you saying the child or children would be better having a village to raise them? ’Cause that’s what they’re going to have.”

Dean’s eyes met Creek’s in the mirror. “Yes, actually. We can all take care of them together.”

Shane poked out his bottom lip. “What about the fact one of us is going to get Jillian pregnant and not the others.”

“I overheard Wendi and Christie talking about it. And Wendi has a baby. He actually favors all of her mates in one way or another. It’s like their DNA combines somehow inside the mother and creates a baby with all of their traits mixed up. It won’t be my baby or yours or Creek’s, it will be all of ours.”

I was nervous at the beginning of the conversation, but the new way these three were communicating gave me hope. We could do this, together.

“That actually makes sense. And since you’ve seen it firsthand, I’m assuming it will be the same with us as well,” Creek chimed in, holding my hand tighter.

He winked and took my whiteboard from me while Dean and Shane talked more about the logistics of being in a harem. Creek turned away while scribbling but then jutted the board toward me after he was done.

You’re going to be beautiful, all swollen with pregnancy.

If,I scribbled next.


I fell asleep later on, leaning against Creek’s side while he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and my three mates debated children and all the other things.

I just wanted to love them, logistics be damned.

I didn’t know how long I slept or where we were but soon, I was being raised up by strong arms and the undeniable scent of Dean. “It’s just me, mate. We stopped for the night. We decided you deserved a bed to sleep on.”

He carried me into a room and set me on a chair. “I brought your bags inside in case you’d like a shower.”

Looking around, I didn’t see Shane or Creek.

Dean tipped my chin up. “They decided to share a room. This one is ours tonight. I hope that’s okay.”

It was more than okay. It was perfect. We hadn’t made love since that first day he came back into my life, and I yearned so deeply to have that intimate connection with him.

“Would you like a shower?” he asked, standing in the doorway that must lead to the bathroom. “I’d offer to run you a bath, but there’s no tub.”

I nodded, too weary even to look for my whiteboard but also remembering I’d lost my cookies in the gas station. I’d brush my teeth, too. Reading my mind, or so it seemed, he led me into the bathroom, got my toothbrush out of my toiletries bag, squeezed a strip of toothpaste on it, and placed it in my hand. “You do that while I get the water ready.”

By the time I was convinced my breath smelled more like mint than whatever it smelled like before, the bathroom was filling with steam. Dean gently undressed me, kneeling to untie my sneakers and ease them and my socks off my feet then removing the rest of my clothing a piece at a time. His touch was heaven even though he didn’t do anything remotely sexual. I’m sure he thought I was too tired, and he was probably right.

But as I stood under the hot water spray, face tipped up to let it wash away the traveling dirt, he stepped in behind me and drew my back against his front. He nuzzled my neck, that spot again where he’d marked me, and took a nip. If he kept doing that, it was going to be more than a simple mark.

Yet, I loved it.

He pumped liquid soap from a wall dispenser onto a washcloth and rubbed it over my skin, slowly, sensuously, until my nipples were peaks and I was grinding my bottom against his erect penis, desperate for him inside me. I was still tired, but somehow not too tired for my mate’s loving. But, once again reading my mind, he brought the soapy cloth between my legs and, as his penis found its way to my entrance, he made sure I was as aroused as he was.

He drove inside of me but not as fast as usual. Rubbing circles of slippery soap bubbles around my clit, he fucked me slowly, firmly, and with the steam surrounding us, it had all the atmosphere of a dream. I thought I might have had one like it while he was gone, in fact.

But this was real, as were the words he whispered to me, words of love and some very naughty that had me shuddering and clenching around his cock in less time than I’d have dreamed possible.

He growled and shot his cum into my welcoming heat then, wrapped an arm around my waist and dropped backward. I squealed, well more like a tiny squeak, thinking we were falling, but I landed instead in his lap. This motel shower had a bench seat I hadn’t noticed.
