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Because this was very much my business.

Summon me? Then be prepared to hear what I had to say…write.

The butler, Harnessy, did not meet my eyes, but his deep bow told me a lot. To him I was the queen. Whether I wanted to be or not. And I had his support.

I did not wait for an escort, because why would I? This was my palace, my kingdom, and he who brought me here could face the music. The great hall lay ahead of us, and I continued straight inside and to the front where the high council sat in a row. Serious and old, they were the same ones I had seen once when my family traveled to one of their gatherings. Of course I had been very young, maybe three, and really to me, they just looked like old wolves with lots of gray hair. So if one or two had changed, how would I even know?

As I came to a stop in front of them, I lifted my marker, prepared to write, but the elder in the middle growled, “Shift,” and I did.

As did the members of the council. One by one. Looking around, I realized no one else was in the room. Just the high council and the heir to this kingdom. A kingdom stripped from her parents by murder.

Tell us what you remember.This was the voice of not the middle wolf but one to the left. He was old but seemed not quite as ancient as the other, his muzzle only kissed with gray.We can hear you.

I almost pointed out that they didn’t hear me when I was part of a destroyed family but then realized that would get me nothing, and this might be, would be, my one opportunity to be heard.

I closed my eyes, remembering when I was that child. A crown princess of this kingdom. First born and heir.I-I didn’t remember anything until we approached the palace. But now I do. And when I tell my tale, I would beg you to listen with an ear to serving vengeance on those who harmed my family.


We had been afield that day, all of us. The kings and queen, Janis, my sister, and myself. We’d been shifted, running and playing, hunting a little on our lands. It was the first time we’d done that in a while, and my parents were smiling and laughing after we dressed again and started home. It felt so good because they’d been worried all the time. Sad and talking in low voices, always watching as if danger approached. When we went for our day out, I thought it meant everything was fine.My mouth was dry, as if I was very thirsty, and I noticed a silver bowl of water. I drank from it without asking. After all, this was my home. Even if I despised every stone of it.

Go on, child,urged the eldest.

We were crossing the lawn when they struck. A whole pack of wolves, slathering, foaming, snarling. They surrounded my parents and knocked Janis and I out of the way. They were thinking very loudly and I got just a little about damaged heirs. Which would have been me, of course. Bad blood must be ended, and my parents had refused to set me aside, even though I couldn’t speak.

When they stopped, my parents were ripped to shreds, and we tried to run, first to them, then away from them, but a big man grabbed me, and my other sister, and they took us in separate directions. I assume she died. They left me to die in the deep woods. We were small wolves who never could have defended ourselves against the predators, and the only thing that saved me was someone from the pack I now proudly belong to, stumbling over me before a wolf or coyote or something else ate me for dinner.

They kept me safe all this time, and I just learned that our alpha contacted you and made arrangements to keep me in secret.


And now, somehow someone in this ill-begotten place learned my location and wants me back? What happened to whoever they put on the throne?

And then we weren’t alone anymore. A deep-reddish furred wolf entered from a back hallway, one I remembered my parents using when they held important functions here. Anything else I wanted to say died in my throat.

They told me you were dead.Janis kept her distance, but her gaze devoured me.My sister, you live.


They had kept her? Put her on the throne? It made perfect sense. She could speak just fine. Because my memories of speaking were false. I only remembered the wolf sort of communication with Janis. I’d never been able to talk. From birth.

She approached me regally but cautiously, and I saw the others tense.Do you think I would kill my own sister? It is not her fault she was made a pawn.

Jillian, since you are alive, the throne is yours. I never wanted it anyway.

The younger elder spoke.We were aware of only some of the happenings at that time but were misinformed almost entirely. Told your parents died in an accident, and that you wandered off. By the time your alpha contacted us, things were settled here, and you know it is not our choice to interfere in most cases.

But it’s all clear now. Those who killed your parents have been dealt with and will trouble you no more. We thought there was peace in this land, but when your sister’s hearing deteriorated, they regretted their choice. And when someone accidentally learned you’d lived, they made plans to replace Janis with you. It was more than we could tolerate. And we handled the situation.

That sounded more than ominous, but we weren’t identical twins, just fraternal. It wasn’t as if nobody would notice the difference.Will there ever come a time when my family is not being used by others? I thought my sister dead, but if their plans had gone through, I am sure she should have been soon.

I’m fine. And I am ready to step aside.

Are you deaf?I tried to think of any signs of that when we were children.

Not completely but close, and likely to be soon, according to the healers. It is for the best that you take over.

Rage enshrouded me.Do you think I would do that? You have been raised to be queen, and I live in a backwater pack with my mates in a small cabin. I’ve come far to find that happiness, and I will not give it up easily.
