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“Gods, what is he wearing tonight? It’s like a hoodie but it’s all tight around his biceps and pecs. Dear gods, they make bigger sizes, did anyone tell him that?”

She laughed after she said that and, while I was sure clothing came in bigger sizes, it wouldn’t enhance the look of Zephyr as much as the tighter stuff did.

“Stop gawking at him. You’re invading his privacy. But tell me what the hell he’s doing?”

That cracked her up and she threw her head back. “Come on, Endy. Give me a damned break. Why would anyone stand outside a dorm in the middle of the night? Oh my gods, it’s a booty call.”

I snorted and choked on my water. “A booty call? Do people still say that?”

She shrugged one shoulder. Her eyes were trained outside, and I had to admit a bolt of jealously threaded through me. She was looking at my man after all. “I just said it, so yeah, people say it. I double dare you to turn the light out like you’re not interested. I bet he looks hella sexy when he’s disappointed. He probably pouts.”

Just the thought of Zephyr being disappointed made me upset. “I’d better get down there,” I replied, already getting up. One look in the mirror revealed I was a hot mess after a long day of school but I really didn’t care.

The man called to me even with walls and windows and time and space between us.

“You better run before I decide to go down there myself,” Alara giggled but contrary to her statement closed the curtains and got down from the ledge. “But alas, my love is unrequited.”

“Good luck with studying,” I called over my shoulder before leaving the room.

“Good luck with making out,” she yelled back.

All the way down the stairs, my heart beat overtime. Once I was outside, I heard him exhale as though he’d been holding his breath the whole time, waiting for me. Gosh, every girl in the world deserved a guy who held his breath, waiting on her.

“Hi,” I said, and wrapped my arms around his torso.

“Endy.” He whispered my name like a prayer and pulled me tighter against him. “I hope I didn’t interrupt you.”

I pulled back and looked up at him. “You could come up to my room, you know. Or text me?”

He chuckled and pushed a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. “Endymion, you know I have a reputation to uphold. I’m known as a… What’s the gossip about me this year?”

I laid my head against his chest. “A brooding, angry sort of guy who is super picky about dating and generally pissed off at the world.”

He laughed again, and this time I got to listen to the comforting sound through his chest since my ear was pressed against his sternum. “I’ve actually never dated.”

I gasped and looked up at him. “Shut up. You’re gorgeous and have this air about you. You can’t tell me girls haven’t been swooning for years and years.”

He toyed with the strap of my tank top, and for some reason that act was more intimate than all of his kisses put together. “They have made attempts, but I always felt like I was waiting for someone. Now I know who that was. So how was your day?”

It made me giggle to hear this big, strong man speak of such normal things, but I told him about my day and included the part about my family history being in Titania’s office.

“Well, let’s go see. I happen to know a way in.”

“Wait, you know how to get into Titania’s office?” I asked, shocked. He seemed like the rule-bender but never the rule-breaker.

He winked at me and I nearly melted into a puddle. “I do. My father is on the board. I might have snuck his keys out one night and made copies, you know, in case of an emergency.”

“A fairy emergency?”

He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. “You just never know. Ready?”

Jeez. No? Was I ready to break in and enter the headmistress’ office? “Um, I guess. We won’t get into trouble?”

He gently slapped my bottom. “Not if we get a move on. Let’s go. Titania is out for the evening.”

I didn’t even bother asking how he knew that. Instead, I took his hand and followed him toward the office. In minutes, we were inside the grand place.

“The family records are over here. These thick books,” Zephyr said, already moving some to look at their titles. “But I’m not sure how they are categorized, maybe by last name?”
