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One side of her mouth rose in a smirk. “We had a contract since we were little.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Actually, they had a deal. I just went with it until I was so fucking sick of looking at you that I wanted to die rather than marry you. Anyway, they had the deal because your parents need our money and my parents want a pure bloodline. None of this was my choosing.”

As he spoke, she got more and more worked up until she shook with rage. “We’ve been together for years. You’ve fucked me for years!” She was screaming by the time her last word was uttered.

“That’s all it was, Nissa, fucking. I’m done. Look, I tried to do this in private, but if this is the way you want it, then that’s fine. It’s over. I’m done. We’re not together and we sure as fuck aren’t ever getting married. Period. End of story.”

“It’s not over!” Nissa reached out and slapped Adair right across the face. Other girls circled behind her while the others backed up.

I had a feeling this was not over.

“Don’t you fucking touch him!” The words burst from my mouth like that time with Zephyr in gym class, uninvited and certainly not at the right time.

“Oh, I see. I knew there was something going on. You are seriously choosing this low-breed cunt over me? We’ll see about that.”

That’s when everything went red. Nissa came toward me with murder in her eyes. Adair stepped in front of her, blocking her from attacking me, but it was too late. Something had snapped inside me.

A scorching, smoldering feeling began to edge downward between my shoulder blades in two lines. It felt like someone had poured gas down my back and chose that moment to light it up, like hell itself was taking place between my shoulders, and it was having a party down my spine.

I heard the sound of my skin ripping, tearing, the shreds causing me to scream with the searing pain.

I saw Nissa fighting against Adair while Alara tried to get punches in over Adair’s shoulder.

“What’s happening?” I cried out and had the instinct to get my dress off. I would be okay if I just got this fucking dress off. The burning would stop. The pain would end. The tearing would cease.

My ears rang while the sounds of everyone arguing sounded miles away. My heart thrummed between my temples, the only indication I was living through this anguish. My back stung and ripped open like a thousand lions were scratching at me.

Gods, let it end.

“Endy!” Alara yelled and took my hands in hers, her fight forgotten. “It’s okay. It’s okay. Just breathe. It’s just your wings.”
