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If I had been drinking something, it surely would’ve come out of my mouth. Leif was standing off to the side of the throne and Candace was in the corner along with the rest of the court, mainly people who considered themselves a cut above the rest of the pack and the rest of my kingdom. They all snorted and chuffed out their responses which were near to mine.

This guy had a pair of balls on him, that much was for sure.

“We haven’t known each other five minutes and you’re wanting to walk down the aisle?”

The chorus of laughter that followed made Gunnar’s face change from optimism to aggravation. His eyebrows dipped down above his nose and if I wasn’t mistaken a smirk took shape where that panty-melting smile once stood.

“That’s what I came here for, Janis. I came here to marry you. What else did her highness have in mind?” I watched his lips carefully, since the background noise made it hard to catch what he said.

I wasn’t sure if I liked either of his names for me, but I would much prefer Janis over his insolent tone.

“Certainly there is no rush. We could get to know each other. That would be prudent seeing as originally you were betrothed to my sister instead of me.”

He turned around and said something or that’s what I gathered by the low dull hum in the room. Leif’s voice was different. I felt when he spoke in my bones like I was standing next to a speaker with the bass turned up to maximum, but this was like a hum that actually made my wolf tumble and preen inside me.

“Excuse me,” I said as loud as I could, or what I thought was loud. “Can you face me when you speak. I’m sure someone has told you about my hearing issues.”

Gunnar whirled, his squinting eyes a clue that no one had told him anything. “Your hearing issues? I was not made aware of that.”

He ticked his gaze over his shoulder to his advisors who looked to the ground. Either they didn’t want to tell him or didn’t want to be the messenger who was hurt over the contents of said message.

“Well, the fact remains. I am hearing impaired. I read lips. So when you turn around and speak, I cannot read your lips and may not understand you well. I would appreciate you facing me when you speak.”

“I was simply saying that a betrothal is about promises, not liking each other. We have a lifetime to get to know each other and I’m most certain we will get along in all facets of life. There is no reason to wait. I didn’t come all the way here to be turned away because you wish to be polite and have tea.”

Leif chuckled. I could feel it in my bones.

“Well, this queen is not a fan of being told what to do by strangers, even those she is supposedly betrothed to. My suggestion is that you go back to your kingdom and we should exchange emails or talk over the computer until I am comfortable moving forward. If not, we should consider this betrothal annulled.”

Gunnar was frustrated. His hands were balled at his sides, and he ground his jaw together. “I see. So my trip was for naught.”

“No, it was lovely to meet you and now we have an understanding. The ball is in your court, so to speak. Unless you’d wish to have tea with me?”

I threw the notion out to be polite but really I just wanted this over with. Yes, he was handsome and something about his demeanor made me wonder if he would be so demanding in the bedroom, but other than that, he was just another man.

A man who wanted some power in this life.

“I would pass, Your Majesty. I need some time to consider this.”

I nodded. “Completely understandable given the circumstances. If you wish to communicate, let Leif know. He will set everything up.”

Gunnar bowed before leaving in quite the hurry. It wasn’t the way I wanted the meeting to go, but I wasn’t going to walk down the aisle with someone after three seconds under any circumstances. Especially not to someone who might have an issue with my hearing loss. It wasn’t going to get any better, and if he felt that way I didn’t want any part of him at all.

Because I was queen, and I said so.

Chapter Fourteen

I’d been adjusting well, I thought, to life with Leif, at least in his advisory role. Mating of any kind would have to wait until the kingdom was more secure. My private life had to take a back seat to the needs of my subjects. So, today, I was holding my first official audiences with the representatives of various groups, and I expected to hear good reports.

Unfortunately, Leif was not the only one who stood behind my throne for these meetings. Gunnar had inserted himself into my life with or without my permission—which I had not given. Despite a brief conversation where he clarified that he’d been taken aback by my dismissal of him, not my hearing loss. That had surprised him, but he had not intended for me think him disparaging or negative. It just seemed like something a person would have mentioned so he could avoid offending me in any way.

I mostly believed him.

But that didn’t mean I wanted to mate him.

Leif stood on my right, a step behind me, Gunnar on my left, and I sat in the seat my father had once occupied when his subjects came to speak to him about issues, to make a request, or sometimes to thank him for a favor he’d granted previously. They also brought gifts, sometimes, usually for my mother who sat in the other throne, sitting empty for lack of a consort in this kingdom. If I did accept those chosen for my sister and I as my mates, which of them would occupy that seat? Or would I need to have more chairs constructed to match?

But such musings held no place in today’s business, and I straightened my back and waved to the footmen stationed at the big doors at the back of the room. “Admit the petitioners.”
