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We were sitting facing the small koi pond, one of my favorite features of the garden, and she pulled a few coins from her pocket. A dress with pockets, what every girl needed. Pockets were probably against the rules or something for me. I would have to change that.

“Make a wish,” she said and closed her eyes. She muttered something I didn’t catch and then with her thumb, flicked a coin into the water.

“Make a wish? On a coin? Into a fish pond?”

She snorted. “Well, now you’re making it sound cheap. It works, I’m convinced. Make a wish and flip the coin, Queenie.”

Well, at least she had gotten more comfortable with me. That was something.

“Okay. Here we go.”

I flipped the coin with a wish in my heart. The coin flipped into the air and the landed, right on the head of a koi who had simply come up to the surface to nibble on a leaf.

“Goodness gracious, you almost took him out. I hope that wasn’t your wish.”

This girl was hilarious, but I could already hear Candace’s swift footsteps coming up behind me.

“I have to go, but please come to court. I would be glad to see you again.”

She snorted. “Yes, Your Majesty. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

She bowed for the audience we now had and waited for me to walk away then gave a little wave when I looked over my shoulder.

Huh. Imagine that. I had a friend. Maybe.

But I also had a feeling coins might not be good for the koi. I would have Hors fish them out before they ended up in the fish. Maybe put in a wishing well nearby for our future coin tossing.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Leif made me an offer I didn’t want to refuse. He smiled and said, “It’s a beautiful day. Would you like to run in the forest with me?”

I couldn’t say yes fast enough. “I’ll have to cancel a few things, but if I don’t get out of here, I won’t be fit to live with so, give me a half hour.” I chased down Candace and asked her to make shift my appointments then met Leif at the back gates. They were not where people usually entered the palace, but a guard unlocked the ancient creaking iron gates and let us out into an area where few visited. The trees were huge and old and loomed over us as we stepped amid them to strip and shift. Leif donned his fur so quickly, I was still taking off my clothes.

Leif was one of the handsomest wolves I’d ever seen, his fur thick and lush, and before I shifted, I buried my hands in it just for pleasure. So much about Leif was pleasure. Although I wasn’t ready to commit to a mating, I couldn’t see any reason not to spend time together. He was intelligent and provided me with helpful advice on so many occasions. And moments like this when I could set aside my responsibilities and feel the wind in my face were precious.

After a long moment of caressing the silken fur, I stepped back, shed the rest of my garments and shifted into my own wolf. She’d had so few outings over the years, I was ashamed of myself for not fighting harder for the freedom of the leaf strewn pathways. The cultivated palace gardens were not for a wild thing such as her.

Leif led the way for a while, our paws touching the ground before pushing off again to leap over a stream or scramble up a low scree-covered hillside. Small animals disappeared as we came close, scuttling out of the way of the predators we were. But we weren’t hunting today, or at least I wasn’t. Today was about the joy of being in the woods together, playing chase and rolling in leaves. Lapping water then flopping on the bank of yet another stream to lie, sides touching. A cool breeze ruffled my fur, and I let out a wolfie sigh.

I know my people need me to be there for them, but it’s so nice to get out here and relax. Thank you for thinking of it.

Leif nuzzled me.You have been working day and night. Everyone needs a break.

So I’m not a terrible queen for wanting to hide sometimes? Just to breathe?

Not terrible at all. Now,he asked,am I terrible for wishing to shift and make love to you?

My heart sped up. Make love… I wanted to be in his arms, naked, our bodies pressed together in passion. At least I liked the idea of it, since, of course, my experience of most things, and most especially intimate was so limited.No, you’re not terrible. But you know I’m not ready to formalize a relationship. My priorities must be for my people.

I’m willing to accept whatever you’re ready for. Whether it’s a run through the woods in our fur or an afternoon in human form where I show you how I feel in a very physical way.

How do you feel?Because while Leif was handsome and I liked him as a person, I wasn’t ready to commit to forever. My life had to take a back seat for now.

Shift and I’ll show you.Leif rolled to the side and gave me space.If you like, that is, Your Majesty.

How formal, especially considering what you are suggesting.I paused.But I would like to…to be shown.Out of words, I shifted quickly then felt…uncomfortable. I’d been naked in front of my fellow wolves many times when shifting, but never had any of them studied me like Leif did, both as a wolf and after he resumed his other form.

He gathered me close, his heart beating hard under my ear pressed to his skin. Then he tipped my chin up and kissed me, his lips moving over mine with a masterful intent. I pressed my palms to his chest then glided them up and over his shoulders, welcoming his touch, his kisses, and the stiff rod butting against my upper thigh. We’d been out for several hours already, and my schedule was tight, as Leif knew, but I’d gladly steal this time for myself. For us. Even if I wasn’t ready to mate, my heart knew the time would come.
