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Chapter Three

With everything buzzing along in its usual level of chaos, I jumped at the chance to accompany Arne for a ride to enjoy the countryside and inspect the new solar field. It was so close to ready. “Perhaps we can also include some of the wind turbines on the way back, if time permits?” Not that I wanted to stay out as long as possible or anything.

“Whatever you prefer.” Arne waved away the groom and helped me to mount before leaping astride his own horse. These magnificent beasts had been bred by his family for generations and were like golden statues rather than animals when they stood in the sun. “It’s a nice day to be out and about.”

Arne was my mate who embodied the outdoors. Besides the horses, he had attended university and earned degrees that qualified him for setting up our energy grid, one that would connect nowhere else and make us something Jillian said every country longed to be. Energy independent. Since we’d been pilfering from the larger system nearby for the palace’s needs, and were sure to get caught eventually, it had been a huge relief to disconnect that when the trial group of turbines near the palace was put into play. But the solar field and the rest of the turbines, along with a few other smaller systems, would allow everyone in the kingdom to have everything people in the twenty-first century enjoyed, if they wanted it.

It would not be free because then nobody would have a care for how they used the new energy. But it would be a very fair rate. Low enough not to discourage people from having lights and sources of entertainment like TV. Hopefully, they wouldn’t get as hooked on it as I had at first.

The sun was warm but not hot on our shoulders, an occasional playful cloud joining in to give momentary shade as we approached the field. From a distance, the solar panels looked like a lake, reflecting the sun’s ray, but closer up, I could see each individual one and the spaces between. Underneath, the land was green and speckled with wildflowers. “I must admit, I was worried about how this would look. I expected it to be just dirt underneath. But there’s grass and all sorts of ground cover. Clover?”

Arne hopped to the ground and came over to help me. He left the reins of both horses trailing on the ground. “That’s right. There’s no need to kill all the living things to have electricity. That’s the beauty of our arrangement. Since few changes should need to be made here for twenty, even thirty years, wildlife can come and go, and it’s excellent for all the pollinators. Nature likes things that aren’t messed with too often.”

“It’s fantastic. But since it’s grass, largely, do you have someone come in every so often to mow?” It looked like it had been trimmed hours ago, so even and verdant and lush.

“Miss Dover, Eleanor, helped me with that.”

“She knows a good landscaper?” Ms. Dover had been the saleswoman who not only worked with Arne to design our system but ordered all the parts and got us a great deal in the process. She was almost one of the family, an honorary citizen.

“Sort of.” He grinned at me and pointed off in the near distance. “Here comes one of the landscapers now.”

“B-but that’s a…”

“Sheep. I know. They graze, the grass stays low, and the farmers are happy.”

“Are we paying them to rent the sheep?”

“No.” His smile grew even wider. “We charge them a small grazing fee for public lands. Helps pay for the other aspect of upkeep.”

“Where would I be without you?” I marveled, soaking in the herd of sheep chomping away at the grass, fluffy whiteness against the dark-green velvet. “You deserve a reward.”

Arne tugged his cap from his head and swept into a deep bow. “It is a pleasure to be at Your Majesty’s service.”

“Tell me what you want. If it’s within my power, it’s yours.” Sometimes, it was fun to be queen, and the glint in his eye when he looked up told me this was one of those times.

“I would beg the boon of being the first to sleep with you in your new bed. Tonight.”

“You scamp.” Then I straightened and said, “As my subject wills it. Your queen shall take you to her royal bed this night.”

We decided to see the turbines another day and raced each other to the palace. Of course, there was still dinner to get through and socializing with some of the councilors who were invited for the evening, before we could make our escape. But when we finally did, I stopped outside the room and put my hand over his eyes.

“No peeking. I want you to get the complete effect.” None of my mates had been in here since very early on in the remodeling, and I wanted them to each see it like this, alone with me, for the first time. “Ready?”

“It’s just a bedroom, isn’t it? What I’m interested in seeing is you.”

I poked him with my other elbow. “Be nice. I’m excited about this. At least pretend to be half as interested.’

His chuckle warmed me deep inside. “I can’t pretend to be half as interested in a room as in my beautiful queen. But I will tell you if I like it.”

“All right, then.” I opened the door and guided him inside. “Ready? One. Two. Three.” I moved my hand away from his eyes and stepped back. “Thoughts?”

He didn’t need to speak them. His admiration shone on his face. But he still said, “It’s perfect for you. Elegant. Clean lines.” He ran his palm over the fabric on a sofa then faced me again. “Smooth and silky.”

“Like a horse?” I giggled, tickled by his phrasing. “You just described my mare.”

He moved in close. “I just described you as well.” Stroking my hair, he murmured, “Silky.” Then his lips descended on mine, he scooped me up in his arms, and carried me into the bedroom. I didn’t ask for his opinions on the bedspread because all I cared about was the fact he tossed me on it and dropped next to me, kissing me before we stopped bouncing.

My mate undressed me slowly and carefully then ripped his own clothes off with no interest in whether they remained intact. Some probably did. We often took our time, but tonight was all about coming together. We’d been teasing one another all day and all evening, and when he sank into my body, I was complete, letting him ride me like one of his horses until we both came apart together.
