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Chapter Six

My three mates and I, along with Candace, walked down the long, dark hallway until we arrived at the meeting room. Not the room where the High Council met, but a more casual meeting room.

When we got there, I was shocked to see the teacher already set up and tapping his foot, a broad smile on his face. He looked the part for sure. We all stopped in our tracks. My mates ran into me in a cluster, and even Candace nearly fell over herself.

The man was young, about my age. His dark hair was buzzed very close to his head. But his eyes owned the room, captivating Candace for sure. She was practically drooling. His almond-shaped eyes were green, the color of the palest tree frog. and yet, even from my distance from him, I could see silver flecks that made them shimmer.

Plus, the guy had one hell of a smile.

“If you don’t stop giving lingering glances to the new teacher, I’m going to shift right here and tear his throat out.” Gunnar had bent down to whisper the threat in my ear but chuckled right after. He was really just kidding—probably.

Maybe not.

“I am Janis,” I said as one of my mates slapped my bottom so my name came out on a squeak. “These brutes behind me are my mates, and this is my maid, Candace. Thank you for being early and prepared. We appreciate it.”

Queenly manners, check.

The man pointed to his ears. “I am deaf as well, but I can talk. Of course, I can’t hear what I’m saying, but it helps. Please, Your Majesty and friends, take a seat.” The excitement in his voice filled the room and made me want to learn despite his slightly off-putting tone. I had a feeling he’d been born without hearing, but I wasn’t sure what was polite to ask.

“Thank you.” Arne pulled out a chair for me, and, despite them being secure in our matings, they flanked me, sitting close on either side.

“I hope we didn’t take you away from other commitments. We have a big need here, not only at the palace but among our citizens.”

He hung his head a little but lifted it with much the same smile. “No. Your timing was good. When my cousin called, she caught me just as I was deciding where to go next.” His hands flew as he spoke, and I was fixated on the grace of the movements. He caught the direction of my gaze and smiled. “I will always sign while talking when we are together. As you learn, I will have you do that, too, during our lessons. Practice and making associations are key.”

My gaze drifted to Candace who was glassy-eyed and practically drooling all over herself. She wasn’t even in wolf form.

“I’d like to start off with the basics, the alphabet along with numbers. That way, even if you don’t know the sign for something, you can spell it out. Second, we will learn the signs for emotions like happy and sad and afraid.”

He turned to reach for something, and I tossed a pencil at Candace. “Get hold of yourself, Candace! For goodness sakes, he’s not a steak.”

Her cheeks reddened while she sat up and tried her damnedest not to stare.

Her damnedest wasn’t good enough.

When our tutor turned, I made sure to get his attention. “We didn’t get your name.”

He chuckled. “Of course. How rude of me. I’m Quinton, Your Majesty.” I studied his hands as he spoke, wondering what it would be like to understand this new language fluently. I, of course, had some hearing up to this point, but there were others in our kingdom who never had. I wondered how they got by. Had they and their family come up with their own signs or way of communicating? Like my sister with her whiteboards, since she couldn’t speak.

“Are those for us?”

He had a huge stack of index cards which were bundled with rubber bands in five equal stacks. “Yes. They are. I brought these flashcards so you all could study. The more you practice, the more we will progress. Here they are. Let’s begin with the alphabet.”

I can honestly say we tried. Gunnar and Leif caught on quickly and soon were spelling their names to each other. I also caught on, having done a little bit of peeking online in the past. Candace was fumbling and giggly.

But poor Arne. He was struggling hard. He would do the motions sideways or accidentally sign a different thing than the letter. But Quinton was patient and never laughed. Finally, Arne spelled out his name, and I rewarded him with a kiss.

The lesson, over an hour long, felt like it flew by. Quinton took the time to go over the cards to make sure we knew how to use them and then began packing up while we continued to practice.

Before he left, I approached him and took his hand, facing him since I didn’t have the sign language words to use yet. “Your help is most welcome. I have authorized your cousin, the Minister of Education, to secure housing for you. If you need anything, we are always available to you.”

“Your Majesty is too generous. I understand Lucinda has found me a cottage near the school, and I should be very comfortable. In the past, I’ve done a great deal of traveling, setting up programs and, while I know I will do some here, from school to school, most days I’ll be able to come home. That will be a blessing indeed.”

Candace offered to help him “navigate the castle,” and they left together, her girlish giggles trailing behind her.

Leif and Gunnar left, but Arne remained behind, looking so sad.

He moved to shut the doors and lifted me onto the table. My core throbbed just thinking of what he planned to do. Why hadn’t I thought of this?

“Janis, my queen, I am heartbroken to know that you will not hear me again. But maybe we won’t even think about it when we’re old and gray with a dozen grandchildren playing around us, okay?”

I lifted his shirt and ran my hands up to his chest. “Let me try to make you feel better, okay?”

He chuckled, spread my legs, and stepped between them. “Go on. I’m at your mercy.”
