Page 70 of The Night Queen

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I blinked rapidly as I looked away.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Alrick added quickly. “I shall be in the next room and only enter if you call. You have my word.”

Despite his initial lies, I trusted him now. I knew he would keep his promise. And yet, this time, I didn’t want him to. But I nodded. What else could I do?

“Good. Rest more, both of you,” he said and rose. “I will talk to Conrad about the details of the plan. If everything goes well, you will be sleeping in silken sheets again by tomorrow nightfall.”

I looked out the window so nobody could see my disappointment.

Not too long ago, my silken sheets and priceless dresses were all I wanted. Fancy balls and rare diamonds. But now, in this small hut, cuddled in a rough wool nightgown, those things meant nothing to me anymore. The man who had sat by my side all night, on the other hand, feeding me and rubbing my cold legs and arms back to life, meant more to me than gold or land.

I loved him.

And even if he didn’t feel the same, I needed to tell him, or my heart would burst. The old woman’s words suddenly came to me:“No matter how closely you watch your feet, you can still fall. So what good does it do to live life as if you have already fallen?”

I needed to start living my life again.
