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“Looks like you have a fan,” I said, hiding my blush with one hand.

“I guess. Kids don’t usually like me. I think it’s the scar,” he replied, pointing to his cheek.

Getting Katie back into her car seat, I buckled her in, and we headed back to the apartment building. It was Katie’s nap time when we got back. Getting her into her P.J.s, there was something of a standoff when it came to the story. “Chase!” she kept shouting with her little arms crossed. Eventually, I was forced to take her and the book into the living room. “Did I hear my name?” Chase asked, sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Katie wants you to read her a story,” I said, apologetically. “Really?” Chase asked, actually raising an eyebrow. “Chase!” she shouted again. “Alright, then.” “Thanks,” I said, setting her down next to him along with the book. It worked wonderfully. I don’t know what Chase did, but Katie was fast asleep, curled up on the couch before the book was even finished. I went to pick her up when Chase stopped me. “It’s okay,” he said. Picking Katie up with unexpected gentleness, he carried her into the room, putting her down for her nap. “Sorry about that,” I said when he came back. “It’s fine,” Chase said, still seeming a bit surprised. “I’m not used to dealing with kids, but Katie is really neat. I’m actually enjoying spending time with her.” “Really?” I asked, unable to keep from smiling. “I know, I’m surprised too, but Katie is really fun.” Despite my initial reservations, I was beginning to warm up to the big, handsome lawyer. I had been convinced that he was at best a womanizer, working situations to his advantage but he had stepped up when he didn’t need to, and Katie really seemed to love him.

Maybe what Chase said about his ex being a gold-digger and wanting to spare his sister was true. If so, I was more than happy to help.

Honestly, I was starting to feel happy about our little arrangement, but that was when the intercom buzzed.

Chapter Seven


It never failed, just when I started to feel good, the shit storm would start up all over again, turning my life into a dark, raging sea. I could only imagine what terrors the fickle gods of fate had in store for me down at the main entrance to the building. “Yeah?” I said, hitting the button on the buzzer.

“Here!” Whitney sang.

“Come on up,” I said, hoping to all that was holy it was just her.

“That them?” Ashlyn asked, a worried look crossing her young face. “Yep, prepare yourself,” I said, heading to the minibar to steady my nerves. I decided to go light, opting for half a tumbler of scotch with plenty of ice. I had to keep my wits about me after all. All too soon, the knock came on the door. Going by the rhythm, I knew it was Whitney. While not exactly thundering, it was enough to wake Katie, who started crying.

“I’ll get her,” Ashlyn said, going off to the guest bedroom. “Right,” I said to myself. Plucking up my courage, I went over to the door, repeating calmness mantras that helped keep me alive in the desert. The second round of knocks had just started when I grabbed the knob and turned, letting the chaos in.

“Hey!” Whitney said, throwing her arms around my neck. “Hey, kiddo,” I said, returning her embrace. “Hey, honey,” Etta said, sexily, going in for a passionate kiss I narrowly dodged. “Slow your roll, she-devil,” I said, gently pushing her away. “She-devil?” Whitney asked, clearly hurt. “Sorry, force of habit,” I said, staring daggers at Etta who shifted her hips and blew kisses my way. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Where can we put our luggage?” Etta asked, unphased. I was about to suggest somewhere as uncomfortable as it was unlikely when Ashlyn came back with Katie. Seizing the opportunity, I went over to Ashlyn. “Woke up, did she?” I asked putting an arm around her waist and kissing her on the cheek. “What the fuck?” Etta steamed. “Watch your language,” I snarled. “Chase, what’s going on?” Whitney asked, stepping forward into the living


“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, as though I hadn’t realized, “this is Ashlyn, my fiancé.” “And you have a baby?” Whitney asked, stunned. “I do, her name is Katie,” Ashlyn said. As though on cue, Katie started reaching out of me, saying my name over and over again. Reluctantly, Ashlyn passed her over, and I took her gently, holding her close, gently swaying back and forth in the way she liked.

“A fiancé and a step-daughter,” Whitney said, as though trying to figure it out. “Yes, isn’t it wonderful?” I sang, thoroughly enjoying Etta’s scowl. “I never knew you had it in you,” Whitney said, though not unkindly. She started to smile.
