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va was rather surprised how likable Barney was. “You get to a point where you work with so many people and come in contact with different faces, and personalities, you just have to find the best part in them.”

This was what Ava told Barney when he said, with a look of curiosity of his face, “You don’t seem as annoyed by my presence as most people here. My sis gets all pouty when I’m around, you know; she thinks she does a great job of hiding it. Makes me wonder why she invited me here in the first place.”

I can tell you why,Ava wanted to say, but of course didn’t.

Barney leaned back on the sofa; Ava sat next to him. A couple of beer cans and a can of soda sat on the coffee table. He sighed “It’s either I’m too loud or, well get this, all over the place.”

“For all it’s worth I don’t think you’re all over the place. As a matter of fact,” she spoke with a smile, “you’re mostly in the right place at the right time, I’d say.”

He chuckled and took a loud slurp of his beer.

Ava knew he was about to ask a question, with the way his eyes narrowed. She didn’t have to wait too long.

“What is the work at the shelter like?”

Thank goodness, not a Benjamin-related question again. Ava pursed her lips. She straightened, “It’s hard at times. Actually, most of the time. But I enjoy it. Real people down there, if you know what I mean.”

“I totally do,” Barney said, looking at her as if he’d just seen a rare species jump down in her place. “That’s beautiful, in all honesty, and I ain’t kidding ya.”

She smiled.

Relaxing and shaking his beer can close to his ear, he continued, “I think it’s great when people look out for others, you know. You are truly a wealthy person.”

Ava shook her head. “I’ve heard that so many times. But life doesn't work that way. That sort of wealth doesn’t pay medical bills or for a new car. I’m not exactly what you would call rich.” Well, unless I survive a few more months of this or get to snatch someone’s inheritance like I’ve been accused of trying to do.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But at least you have your father and Benjamin. My sister’s a good example,” he took another swig, “She’s never really wanted me around, you know. What else is there to life than family, am I right?”

Nodding slowly, ignoring the Benjamin part, Ava agreed. “What happened between you two?”

“That’s a weird story, really.”

“We don’t have to get into it if you don’t want to,” she assured him and he nodded, saying nothing else.

They sat in silence until Barney pointed at the library shelf next to the fireplace.

“I ain’t ever picked up a book like those to read,” Barney blurted out. “It’s always some cheesy romance stuff or them self-proclaimed thrillers.”

“Books are fun, Barney,” Ava laughed. “I’ll get you a few great ones, you’ll love them.”

“Nah, not me.”

“There are even some about difficult family members,” she teased, and he chuckled.

It was his loud chuckle that attracted Benjamin into the living room.

Uncle Barney hardly ever used his phone, so who was he laughing with? Not his mom, that’s for sure. So, when he heard the loud chuckles coming from the living room, he was curious.

He stopped short at the sight of his uncle and Ava talking heartily and laughing like old friends. Ava saw him first and stopped smiling, as if she had done something wrong. Uncle Barney saw the look on her face and turned around.

“Well if it ain’t my favorite nephew, come on in here.”

“I was just about to grab some food somewhere,” Benjamin hesitated but his uncle hissed that excuse away and asked him to come over. Benjamin did.

“I was talking to Ava here. Such a fine-spirited lady you got on your hands, boy,” he mused, Benjamin shifted his eyes to Ava, looking to see the fine-spirited lady his uncle was talking about.

Ava was quiet, but a distant smile was on her face. Benjamin remained standing, a hand in his jean pocket. He flicked his wrist out of habit and his watch dangled, its gold reflecting with the lights in the room.
