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“Y-yes. Yes of course. I will be right there.”

She tapped the driver on the shoulder. “Could you take the next turn down to district nine? I have to get someone pronto.”

The driver grunted and looked at her in the mirror. “Sure thing.”

The car swerved at the next turn and screeched down the street toward the police station.

Benjamin rested his hand on the desk and tapped his fingers, eager to annoy the officer typing away on a computer.

“Your name, sir?” the young officer politely asked, tugging on his badge.

“I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again. I’m Benjamin Radcliff. I don’t know if you’re new here,” he looked at the name tag on the desk, “…Charles Mann… but while you’re pressing that keyboard do a quick search for my name and you’ll find out who I am.”

The officer didn’t seem shaken by all his talk. He gave Benjamin a sluggish look when he wanted to ask a question. “Radcliff--is that with a double ‘f’ or-”

“Double,” Benjamin snapped and looked around. “Where is she?”

The officer resumed his typing and soon a printer hummed, slipping out a clean white sheet of paper with some faint words on it. The officer mumbled and cursed under his breath, scrutinizing the faint print before leaving his chair. “I’ll be right back.”

Benjamin sighed and tried to amuse himself by watching the strangers around him.Surely someone here must know who I am, he mumbled to himself and continued looking around until his eyes met hers. His heart skipped a beat as pure relief rushed through him.

“For a moment I wasn’t sure you’d show,” he said, looking up as she walked over to where he was made to sit.She looks smart in that outfit, he said to himself; but out loud he said with a smirk, “What’s with the outfit?”

Her short sleeves were folded, and the side of the shirt drawn up a bit, partially tucked into her light blue jeans.

“What are you doing in a police station?” she said, ignoring his comment. The officer came in right at that moment and his eyes lit up when he saw Ava.

“Ava. It’s been a while,” the officer said and reached out for a handshake.

"Charles! It sure has," Ava gave a pleasant smile and accepted the handshake.

“I heard Maria is off the streets again?” Charles asked.

“For now. She is back at the shelter. Hopefully for a bit longer this time.”

“Gosh I hope so too. I was called non-stop about her when she was on the loose.”

Charles and Ava spoke for a minute, their tone friendly and relaxed.

“So, you know this guy?” Charles asked her, nodding into Benjamin’s direction.

“I do. He is….” Ava looked at Benjamin. Would she admit it, even now? “…He is my husband,” she finally said.

“Husband?” Charles repeated.

“I’m afraid so. Is he in a lot of trouble?”

“Well… he wouldn’t be if not for his big mouth.” Charles frowned. Ava nodded.

“Sounds like him.”

"Uh, excuse me, but I can hear you," Benjamin chipped in arrogantly. Charles shot a sharp glance his way, then ignored him again.

“So, he hasn’t done anything too crazy?”

“Not really. If he would have just followed my requests, he wouldn’t be in any trouble at all.”

Benjamin rolled his eyes but managed to bite his tongue.
