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Jayce’s silhouette is in his window, one that I know to be their entertainment room. He’s backlit by a lamp. His hands are braced just above shoulder height on either side of the window. If I can trust my eyes, he’s staring at me.

Or more accurately, he’s staring at my window, because up until a split second ago, I wasn’t in it.

But now that I am, he’s not moving, so I guess that makes my first assumption correct…he’s staring at me.

I like it.

And when his friend walks up behind him, I like it even more.



MydadandIwere hanging out but he had somewhere to go. I suppose that was his way of avoiding saying he had something to do at the hospital. Why bother hiding it?

It’s fine. I’m exhausted, so I retreat to my bedroom.

For the last three days, I’ve been swamped with district training and revamping my lesson plans.

It’s been a wild, exhausting ride. The training alone would have been enough since I had to switch gears from first grade to kindergarten to take this position, which meant revamping my lesson plans. But I’d also taken on the after-school program, which meant extra long days and an entire other lesson plan.

All of the hecticness aside, I’m glad I made a last-minute change to accept the teaching position close to where I grew up. Once I settle into a routine, I ought to be able to see old friends. Or am I putting it off because I’m a chicken?

My former best friend, Calli, is here and I really want to make amends. I need to apologize for dismissing her concerns years before and being a pretty horrific best friend.

What if her number changed? I’ll just think she’s ghosting me. Which I would deserve. Plus, I must have left my phone downstairs. I’ll text her tomorrow.Bawk

Slipping my silky robe over my pajama set, a tank top and short shorts, I stare at my closed curtains. I could easily say that I’ve been too busy to bother opening them…for three days.

The truth is that I’m worried what I’ll see if I do.Bawk. Bawk.

It’s not Brett’s window that worries me anymore. He left town the day after someone broke his nose. Word travels fast in a small town, but thankfully the detail about me is missing.

Each night when I’ve crawled into bed, I’ve stared at the curtains, pretending that if I open them Jayce will still be in his window, hands braced on the edges, waiting on me. Wanting to make sure I’m okay. Desperate to show me how a man should treat a woman.

This is when his friend usually enters the fantasy, and I let both men tend to the needs I’ve been denied.

I’ve gone off the deep end.

I thought it was a twisted rebound fantasy…wanting my ex’s dad and his friend. The truth is that I’ve always wanted Jayce. I kept trying to force the desire into an inaccessible part of my brain since I was dating his son.

Now that I’m single, I’d hoped to get Jayce and his friend out of my system by letting my fantasies run wild while I pleasured myself.

That took things the wrong direction. Thoughts of them morphed into what I can only describe as an obsession. It’s clouding my ability to think, even when I’m at work.

And that’s too much. I can’t lose this job.

I moved back home not only because my tough-love dad developed a soft spot and let me stay for free, but I want to work on our relationship. I’d felt alone when I was away at school. Now that I’m an adult with a job, I think he’ll be able to relate to me more—thus the added reason not to lose it. While I was growing up, he’d been so busy with patients and creating new programs at the hospital that I hardly knew him.

Which is why when he got a text and said he needed to leave tonight, I wasn’t surprised.

I laugh out loud. Considering how many hours of the day I’m putting into my job, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. At least we spend time together each evening since he agreed he could do better.

It’s weird recognizing that my dad’s obsession with work is rooted in wanting to bring better healthcare to our little neck of the woods. Too bad it came with the sacrifice of not being around much when I was little. Not so different than my love of kids and wanting to give them the best start possible.

My thoughts deviate back to Jayce. This can’t be healthy. Perhaps Brett was right, my interest in sex is—No. No more of that thinking. He lied to me. He cheated on me. He made me feel dirty for wanting sex.

But wanting sex with his dad…that has to qualify as dirty.
