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Hell, that took a turn, but Roarke has more to say.

He paces away from us and exhales hard. “Do you remember my friend Bennett Grey?”

“Yeah.” Madison must be drawing the same conclusion as I am. Is there something in the water? Can threesomes be contagious?

“Well…” Stress etches itself all over Roarke’s expression.

As much as I want him to grovel to his daughter, I can win some strategic points by helping him with the reveal. “The three of you? Is that what you’re trying to say?”

“Yeah. I should have told you sooner, Madison.”

She shivers, but this should make things immensely easier.

“It’s okay. I just wish you or Calli would have told me. Can we finish this conversation later?”

Her dad agrees.

I’m considering telling Roarke that I won’t have the third story built on my house if he’ll give his blessing, but Madison isn’t an object to be negotiated.

“Let’s go see if Brett’s ready to offer you a few apologies, and let Elijah know that we have your father’s blessing.” I wink at her dad and I’m pretty sure he hides a cringe. I’m not really waiting for his blessing, so I whisk Madison back to my house. Brett can apologize or leave, for now. But Madison won’t be disrespected in my house ever again.

I can’t see a scenario where he’d be willing to stay, but I’ll make a game plan to be a better part of his life. To understand how he got to this point.



Ishowthephotographer,Mary, the game room we’ve converted into a sex den. Madison was into a lot more than window exhibitionism. Every toy or piece of furniture we tried, she liked, so we had to make a room for her to play.

“I can see why you booked three hours for the photo shoot. There’s a lot to work with here.” She smiles while surveying the room, not at all uncomfortable with our toys.

Madison had been given a recommendation for Mary by the mayor’s daughter. She’d done a sexy photo shoot with her stepbrothers. I didn’t ask questions, just ran with the recommendation. Moving into Jayce’s house, with all of his history with Madison, I sometimes felt like an outsider.

This photo shoot is my way of securing my mark on the house. I’m pretty sure I’ve already marked her. I’d bet money the baby in her belly is mine. Just a feeling, but even if it’s not, watching her belly grow makes me the happiest man alive.

Her attention is caught by the six paper teddy bears on the table. “What’s this?”

“When Madison was setting up her classroom, she made those for the names she wanted to use for her own kids.”

“I didn’t realize she was a teacher.”

“She’s not. She got a better offer.” I wink then guide Mary across the room. “This will be the trickier part. I first met Madison through that window. That used to be her bedroom.” I motion to her former window. “I want you to capture her doing a strip tease from there.”

She grimaces. “I’ll need her consent.”

“That won’t be a problem. She’s an adventurous one, thus the room. In fact, I think I just heard them.” I call for them to come up.

Madison and Jayce give the photographer a curious look when they enter the room. I do introductions and explain what I have planned. And before I know it Madison is in her old window, her silky robe caught on her elbows, leaving her shoulders, swollen breasts, and beautiful belly bare. Six months gives her an undeniable bump.

I lean against a chair that’s near the window and Jayce leans against the spanking bench.

The pool table is long gone, gave it to the neighbors. Madison had let it slip that she’d fantasized about having sex on it, but Jayce and I knew that fantasy had been when she was with Brett. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t having sex with Brett, and she swore the fantasy had been of Jayce…it made him uncomfortable. He doesn’t like the overlap of when his son dated Madison. He’s still working on his relationship with Brett and they’re on the right track, it’s reasonable that there are still issues for both of them.

The photographer is hard at work.

Jayce shifts as if trying to conceal his cock straining against his pants. I step beside him, resting a hand on his thigh.

“She’s cool,” I say, no idea if I’m quiet enough that the photographer doesn’t hear. She continues to capture images of Madison. The pregnancy will be documented along with every bit of our love for her, and each other.
